Popcorn Time

Anyone having any issues with popcorn time? I can't get the movies page to load. Just get the spinning wheel. I can get the tv series no problem.
Yes indeed, Dave, I'm having the same issue for the past couple of days.
But if you click on the "Genre" tab at the top of page, and select any of the categories -- Action, Adventure, Crime, etc -- you will get listings for each.
There does seem to be a problem at the moment with the Popcorntime database indexing engine ........... the very, very, latest releases such as "Fury Road" are not being catalogued on the main movie menu.

If you need to see the very newest films and are willing to watch on laptop/pc only you could try www.*******.com. Streaming only, nix downloading capability, but good tho', with no buffering.
(Edit: link removed as it may be copyright-prohibited and illegal).
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BTW, I should have mentioned -- from the popcorntime developers/admin page:

- The issue with the YTS API (Movies) seems to be related to a bad response for one of the movies. The movies page will continue to be intermittent until the issue is resolved".
Anyone having any issues with popcorn time? I can't get the movies page to load. Just get the spinning wheel. I can get the tv series no problem.
The new version 0.3.8-0 released a couple of days ago fixes this issue.
Bummer !
The evil capitalists of the MPAA have won -- Popcorntime is dead and buried. :mad:

"The main Popcorn Time fork has been pulled offline permanently. The problem was triggered by an exodus of developers, including the person who registered the application's domain name............ several of the core developers havedecided to leave the PopcornTime.io project, fearing a possible lawsuit".

I'm on the TV api. Have to log in to the VPN HT first, but at least on and downloading series I need to get before it disappears.
Oh no -- I cancelled the $4.99 monthly scrip to VPN HT a couple of days ago before it fell due on the 25th. :mad:
Premature -- like everything else in my life, but I wasn't aware that the TV API was still available via VPN HT until I read your above post. And there was a couple of episodes I needed to download.

Ah well, shame it's gone -- 'twas fun while it lasted.
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