Prix De L'arc De Triomphe - Seats


At the Start
Jan 7, 2008
I'm thinking of heading to the Arc this year. Over on Friday and back after racing on Sunday. My parents will prob go along too but they struggle to last a days racing so was thinking of booking some seating. I've never been to Longchamp and would appreciate if anyone has some insight. Obviously would like to be close to the finish line but not sure if this is possible.
Thanks for that. Doesn't seem that the English version works and my French is about as good as my martian!! Do you know where the seats are located? I know the Horse Racing abroad guys have seats but they are a furlong out which isn't particularly close. Given the cheap entry, I'd be happy to pay €100 for a decent seat for my parents.
Try these people, they are marketing the weekend. there is a contact tab, send them an email

I can email Longchamp for you in French if you get no joy, just pm me :D

PS delving a bit further, it might just be best to book a table in one of the restaurants overlooking the track
You can get up a menu from there, it's not all that expensive and I bet the food is great! for booking, scroll down to Longchamp
I know the Horse Racing abroad guys have seats but they are a furlong out which isn't particularly close
On the other hand, the Horse Racing Abroad people are very close to the parade ring. You're definitely better off being sited before rather than after the winning post for this reason alone.

I followed Venusian's link through to the arcdetriomphe website and from there through to a ticketing agency. However, the agency is only selling tickets for general entry, and not the seats, which seems a waste of time because there is no need to buy an entry ticket in advance. Seats, on the other hand, definitely need to be booked in advance.

I know that some Irish people book theirs via the Turf Club, but you might prefer to try phoning the racecourse. Almost anyone involved with racing in France speaks a bit of English. To get past the receptionist, who might be the one exception to this rule, ask for Reservations in your best Clouseau accent.
One day Cantoris, you will realise which code is better :P Just make sure you don't give any freebies out to Maruco
cantoris, you don´t need seats, believe me :)

Winning line grandstand is reserved for The President and Carla Bruni, so best you can get is either before line or after. View is grand from 1st and 2nd floor obviously, but we have been on the stairs (but nearest to the line) for more than 15 years now - in fact people will know it as the "German corner" by now :) - but you are invited to join - since jimmy we have strong english (and irish) influence! :laughing:
Just make sure you get there, great racing, and do come on the saturday too, as the track is emptier and still very good racing.
OK, sorry, did not read about your parents.

as said, never booked a seat there but would assume you need to hurry. tried once (for my parents) back in 1994, and was sold out in april or so. as said, guess these organized tours hold some. would not recommand horseracing abroad etc though, unless you do want to be in a tent all the time.