Question BHA summary

Dear Talking Horses,

Why do we have such a plethora of mediocre to downright awful racing. Each season the fixture list seems to expand. Is it at the behest of the bookmakers to enable them to show wall-to-wall racing? No doubt their argument would be that this increases their profits which then benefits the levy and therefor racing. Another case of the 'tail wagging the dog'.
I think you should read our Fixture List Review, completed earlier in the year.
We’re limiting opportunities for the lowest rated horses and much more.
And here’s some information from the 2009 Fixture List which you tell us is expanding, but isn’t.
The Key features of the 2009 fixture list are:
• 1480 programmed fixtures, down 24 on 2008
• 357 evening fixtures, down from 372 in 2008
• 140 fixtures on 48 Sundays during the year, down from 148 on all 52 Sundays in 2008
• 109 Flat fixtures to be run under floodlights outside of the core Evening Racing Period, down from 127 in 2009.
• 567 Jump fixtures, a record and increase of 11 on 2008



See the BHA's own publication which shows the number of races increasing year on year from 2004 to 2008. The OP's point was correct - presuming he had no access to the 2009 information.

Further, look at the attendances, which show a year on year decline from 2004 to 2008.