I use a combination of Irish Racing and Attherraces Aragorn. Neither is as good as the Racing Post database, but the interface on each is infinitely better. And neither make me feel like throwing the laptop or iPad into the nearest bin.
I responded to a BHA thing nearly 10 years ago about the threats to racing (in the wake of racing for change) and identified the RP database as the single biggest asset/ threat facing the sport, and suggested that the BHA needed to either partner with the Post or buy it off Trinity Mirror
I've obviously lost interest in the sport now, and to be honest, I really don't miss it, but the RP charging a creeping subscription for a product that was taking absolutely ages to load was probably the single biggest factor in me turning my back on racing. I'm not sure the administrators at the BHA ever fully appreciated the soft value that the database brought. Punters armed with accessible information at their fingers are much more likely to engage than any initiative, gimmicky campaign, or well financed consultants strategy report. One of the reasons American racing has taken such a hit was that the data providers were charging too much.
The French used to have the best approach and that was to make as much as they could freely available (got a feeling that France Galop started charging eventually though?). I used to use France Galop at work though as being in French it beat the corporate firewall - suckers!