Racing Post Standard Times - WTF?

Longchamp today is interesting, all the Group races have standard times which are rounded to the nearest full second?
sterling work there :cool:

i am not being funny about this - but if you are serious about speed figures - make your own standards

the RP ones..are basically shite I'm afraid

I'll leave it with you
The theory I'm working on is that:

a) the standard times were updated at some point last year

b) previously, when the standard times were updated, every result page was updated with the new standard time - even those from years ago. Either by accident or design, this hasn't happened. So new results have the new standards, whilst old results retain the old standards.

c) the course details pages (e.g. carry an older set of standard times which are not the ones currently being used.

d) there's a bug on the meeting information page that's rounding all of the standard times to the nearest second before making the comparison

D is definitely true Gareth.
Nick Mordin has recently kindly sent me his standards for all UK and Irish tracks, plus major tracks around the world. He also kindly pointed out a couple of areas where personal judgement may be required - rail movement is a particular bugbear of his.

If anyone is interested, I'm sure he would not mind them being passed on, or you could contact him via his website.

As EC1 says, making your own is the ideal course, but there is always the time factor involved.
Nick Mordin has recently kindly sent me his standards for all UK and Irish tracks, plus major tracks around the world. He also kindly pointed out a couple of areas where personal judgement may be required - rail movement is a particular bugbear of his.

If anyone is interested, I'm sure he would not mind them being passed on, or you could contact him via his website.

As EC1 says, making your own is the ideal course, but there is always the time factor involved.

Are the worldwide tracks still crap? I think they're good on the whole but he had 1 mile at Santa Anita having the same standard on the dirt as on the turf and the same applied for loads and loads of courses.
Only interested in the NH at present, GS. There are a couple of tracks with the same times for a slightly different distance, but I guess those are the ones that don't crop up often enough on his criteria to get a differential.

His standards tend not to be rounded up or down to make any particular day's ratings look good!

Not ideal, but saves a lot of time.