Racing Post - Utter Shitbox

It's all over Twitter this morning that More Of That doesn't go at Newbury, due to the ground...........but the RP website has not yet been updated to reflect this. It was the same with KV yesterday - it took a good hour or more for them to reflect the news.

The SL website is often first to react with news updates, yet it's the RP that is the 'real' industry website, and if breaking news is on Twitter, why isn't it immediately reflected on their 'Live News' service? It's yet more evidence of the utter shitboxery of the RP and its website, imo.
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Generally I agree with you Grass as they regularly fall behind the SL let alone Twitter but in the case of MOT, as with yesterday's "failed coup", the stories were on there but only when you first access the site and then the site immediately refreshed and the story disappeared so it looked more likely a technical fault.

Bruce Millington shops in my local supermarket and the only things preventing me from having a hangover whinge at him on a Sunday morning is everybody's entitled to their down time and the fact that I wholeheartedly love the iPad app, despite it's flaws.
Generally I agree with you Grass as they regularly fall behind the SL let alone Twitter but in the case of MOT, as with yesterday's "failed coup", the stories were on there but only when you first access the site and then the site immediately refreshed and the story disappeared so it looked more likely a technical fault.

Bruce Millington shops in my local supermarket and the only things preventing me from having a hangover whinge at him on a Sunday morning is everybody's entitled to their down time and the fact that I wholeheartedly love the iPad app, despite it's flaws.

Please kick the utter shite out of him and chuck him in the freezer with the frozen peas.

and I bet its Meals for One for the little ham fisted wank stain.
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Problem is guys the missus has already semi-barred me from using the shop due to her concerns about me hurling tins of baked beans at that utter minger Jordan who happens to shop in there too.

I go medieval on Bruce's ass and she's going to think I've finally lost it.
Have the RP still got a hard on for Pendleton? Predicted headlines for next week include Pendleton feeds horse sugar lump, Pendleton saddles up horse and Pendleton wears jodhpurs.
the editor-in-chief has his say on handicaps


I complained to the Weekender not that long ago that I felt the people making decisions about the content didn't understand racing or the people who bought the paper. Despite the editor's assurances to the contrary, I still get that impression.

Nothing much has since changed.

I really only buy it for the form pullouts which are more comprehensive and by miles much better value than the Form Book subscription.

I should add that Paul Kealy is the best thing to have happened to the paper. The only problem is that we appear to think very alike, meaning we often end up with the same selections for the same reasons but that bastert gets the big midweek prices and I have to settle for the Saturday morning scraps as I don't study the form till the Friday.
the editor-in-chief has his say on handicaps



This doesn't seem like an outrageously stupid idea to me. It would go a long way to removing non-triers because in order to receive full prize money, your horse needs to be exposed at the level it is capable of. It also negates the need to work a classy horses mark down because you could end up winning more prize money through honesty and finishing 3rd.

Those making off the cuff dismissals haven't really thought the thing through.

The RP website is a pile of **** due to the sheer volume of adverts on it (what am I paying a subscription for exactly???). This idea certainly isn't a reason to vilify.

PS - sometimes the idea of *** is to circumvent the automatic use of *** by Victorian c*unts.
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You may as well have Trump as the Editor of Mexican Today. This man is a total and utter trumpet and does more harm for racing than the gin soaked BHA membership. He knows ******* nothing about racing and his only concern is his £5 football coupon. Nothing but a little scum merchant.
Yes it is,'s an unworkable sack of sh*it.

It's only unworkable in the context of the current cheatfest that handicaps are. God forbid racing should do something to improve it's image. It would encourage all trainers to get their horses exposed as soon as possible - which could only be a good thing for the punter.

In fact, it's one of the best ideas I've heard for dealing with one of racing main problems in attracting more spectators.
An interesting difference of opinion.

It's probably a topic for discussion on its own but the problem is that bookmakers run racing and prize money is only a fraction of what it should be and disproportionately skewed towards handicaps because that's where bookies make most money.
Simmo, the only people who would benefit from this arrangement are owners with large strings, because they can use their animals to boss the weights in every handicap......which would discourage smaller owners from entering the only races they can (currently) reasonably expect to win.

It's a horse-sh*it idea.
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Simmo, the only people who would benefit from this arrangement are owners with large strings, because they can use their animals to boss the weights in every handicap......which would discourage smaller owners from entering the only races they can (currently) reasonably expect to win.

It's a horse-sh*it idea.

I'm not quite sure what you mean by "boss the weights". If you are referring to creating a situation where one horse carries top weight off a hefty mark in order to allow a lighter weighted stablemate to have a better chance, then I would say that that is the current situation, the difference being that the lightly weighted horse won't win as much cash as is currently the case.

If you're talking about entering several horses in every handicap in order to win lots of money because the prize money is skewed towards them then I'd say 1) the smaller owner would be exposing their horses ability and would be up at the top of the handicap anyway if that's where the horse belonged and 2) because of this, there would be less chance of owners/trainers cheating.

If you're talking about something else entirely then you'll need to elucidate.

Repeatedly saying it's a **** idea doesn't make it so.... ;)
i have no idea how it could be implimented but it would make fiddling the mark down less profitable..which has to be a good thing.

At the can have a trainer running his horses on their merits..gets top weight..another "shrewd" trainer...[there is fook all shrewd about getting horses beat and then getting them ready for the big one by the way]..the merit trainer then gets beat by a "shrewd" trainer who has a horse that is 10lb better than current mark due to the fact its been running not on its true merits.

Most punters think the shrewd trainer is great...he gets plaudits for the great plot a 5 year old could have organised..straight trainer loses for being honest. Getting a horse's mark down by running not 100%..wrong trip etc... is akin to being really good at your job 20% of the time when it wins..but purposely being sh1t at it for 80% of the time..then people patting you on the back for the days you are sh1t at it.

To me..if punters think shrewd trainer is the way to go..then leave it the same..but lets face it..its not clever and the best trainer and horse get punished under the current system.

When Cheltenham comes the plaudits come in for the trainer of the horse with 000 in front of its name when it nails a 1234 form hoss. Its not really a good system is it?

Lets say we didn't have the current system...would you vote to change to the current one knowing that in future 50% of hosses will turn up in races not trying but waiting for glory day..when only those in the know will be on..and you the punter will get bent over and sh@gged up arris.

I think if we had a different system..very few people would vote the current one in knowing they will be that far down the foodchain re info..that they will be excluded from backing shrewdie on the right those big early prices those near to the horse will be on at anyway...the best johnie kept in dark can do is get short bad value price..thats after backing the hoss 4 times before when it weren't trying

current system don't look too tasty to don't bother me personally..i'm happy with edge i've got..are new people going to stick round long enough to try and find an edge??.....i doubt it.....but if we want new people from other sports to take an interest..then the current system is probably the worse one for bringing them in.

Racing needs a new system of reward for being good at your training horses to win races..not reward for training them to lose most of em.
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