Racing TV - technical issues

Desert Orchid

Senior Jockey
Aug 2, 2005
As I mentioned before, I recently switched my RTV service to the Amazon Fire Stick they gave me.

I was wondering if any other forumites have done the same and if they're experiencing the same issues as me.

At first I had no sound, contacted them and they said to reboot the router, which I did, problem seemingly solved.

I have to say the quality of picture isn't really much better via the Fire Stick but the service is maybe a bit faster.

The picture can still freeze completely (annoyingly, usually mid-race) and I find that exiting the app and coming back in resolves it but a more annoying issue is occurring.

I've been trying to watch the Road To Cheltenham episodes via 'on demand' but I'll get 30s-1min into the programme when it stops and starts from scratch. Then it will go for about 10 mins before stopping and starting from scratch, then maybe 30 mins before doing the same thing.

This has happened every time I've tried to watch it via my Fire Stick. So far I've given up and taken to watching it via my laptop which I don't like doing because I need to wear strong reading glasses for that.

I phoned their technical services today and was advised to switch off the internet and fire stick and restart them. When I asked if I would need to do that every time it happens the reply was along the lines of 'it should fix it but if it doesn't contact us and we can try something else'.

I have to say, I'm glad I'm not paying the full whack for this service. I assumed the fire stick service would be proper TV quality but it's like watching one of the original flat-screen TV pictures (which put me off switching from CRT for years until the technology caught up with the idea - a wee bit like electric cars: cost a fortune but only good for 50 miles to start with) and the 'trial and error' approach to technical solutions doesn't exactly instil confidence.

Anyone else got better experiences of the service?
How quick is your broadband Mo?

Googled how test the speed and found a site that did it:

10.6 download
1.07 upload

I haven't had many problems with much else regarding the internet (that I know of).
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Googled how test the speed and found a site that did it:

10.6 download
1.07 upload

I haven't had many problems with much else regarding the internet (that I know of).

I think this is the primary reason

and you are probably connected via wifi as opposed to cable

You don't have the speed to support streaming like this
Love the Don Poli reference :lol:

I thought anything better than about 6 was deemed suitable by RTV?

It is a wifi connection. By 'cable' do you mean as in cable TV or ethernet cable (is that what it's called?)

I would rather do without the service all together than have about 70' of wire pinned to my beautiful skirtings just to watch racing.

As for cable cable, we don't have it in our street otherwise I'd probably have cable TV.

As for negotiating an upgrade, any tips on how to go about doing that? I'm usually very successful at negotiating rates with the AA and other such services but might betray a technical ignorance if I try and wing it with an internet provider.

(At the moment I have all calls and unlimited internet for about £23 per month, including line rental).
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Just tell your broadband provider that the service is too slow for your needs, and ask them what (if any) upgrade options they have. Once you get an idea on capability and cost, you can compare it with other providers in your area.
Love the Don Poli reference :lol:

I thought anything better than about 6 was deemed suitable by RTV?

It is a wifi connection. By 'cable' do you mean as in cable TV or ethernet cable (is that what it's called?)

I would rather do without the service all together than have about 70' of wire pinned to my beautiful skirtings just to watch racing.

As for cable cable, we don't have it in our street otherwise I'd probably have cable TV.

As for negotiating an upgrade, any tips on how to go about doing that? I'm usually very successful at negotiating rates with the AA and other such services but might betray a technical ignorance if I try and wing it with an internet provider.

(At the moment I have all calls and unlimited internet for about £23 per month, including line rental).

What’s deemed acceptable by a broadcaster and what actually works are two different things. Netflix swear blind their service will work at about 8 but it doesn’t if my speed dips below about 20 for any reason.
An Ethernet cable is the most reliable. The computer I use for work is connected via Ethernet and the connection is rock solid while most colleagues seem to drop out of Zoom and Teams calls occasionally

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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Hope he can sort it out but without growing longer arms and shorter pockets the chances are nil.

These crap packages are designed to draw customers then get them to upgrade

For 19 quid in Thailand you get 50mbs while that seems to cost about 28quid in the UK and this is the 3rd world country

As for 10mbs that reminds me of when I played Tiger Wood Golf om the Computer and we bought cards from 7/11 and got drag like crazy

i wouldn't leave home with 10mbs on my android as Maps would lose connection if you could get one in the first place,

We don't go that low in Thailand and now they have a special offer 1000 mbs for 22 quid with 2 premier games a week
10 down / 1 up might not be the most amazing speeds but it should be more than sufficient for hdtv.

I have similarly poor speeds and can play all the major services acceptably, iPlayer etc, and even odd balls like Eurosport.

I've had exactly the same experience with Racing TV as you. I can't watch any race on catch up without it randomly restarting, usually around a minute in.

It's their platform or the Firestick App that's busted, I too am glad I'm not paying full whack.
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