Racing +?

Thanks, Colin.

At £1.20 per issue it won't cost too much to find out whether it's any good.
Had never heard of it until I looked into who the race sponsor was. Seems as though it's had a big relaunch, but I've never seen it for sale anywhere.

Racing Plus is what used to be Racing Ahead Weekend, although Racing Ahead boss Stephen Mullen has nothing to do with the publication and hasn't for virtually any of its existence. Different company altogether.

Professional interest compelled me to purchase a Racing Plus for the first time in a very long time last weekend, and for me at least I'm afraid there's virtually nothing there.

The pieces by messrs Luck and Willoughby are shorter than I'd like (and maybe than they would like, if the remit is to keep to what looks a fairly swingeing word count), and the virtues of the chronological racecards are comprehensively negated by the identikit nature of the analysis contained therein. "Placed x times in y starts over hurdles", etc., for every runner instantly betrays a thick streak of computer- rather than human-generated compilation of information; and whilst the Verdicts are produced by humans they are not fulsome enough for my tastes to compensate adequately.

I've not been through the form data itself yet to check whether this Press Association-origin material is any more veracious and accurate than it was during my Sportsman days, but expectations are low - we spent hours at that paper correcting by hand many obvious anomalies such as improbable amateur rider / conditional allowance combinations (e.g. "Mr B Moorcroft (10)"), and at least some of these ricks endure to the present day in PA racing data if what's reproduced on the Sportinglife website is any guide.

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I thought you might get a mention of the Sportsman in there somehow!!

It's a good point you make about the spotlights which was why I was quite pleased with your write up of Tunza last week for his run at Kempton.

Rather than the usual 'No sign of ability in 6 races' crap you actually referred to the issues with him settling in his previous races and the fact that he is bred to sprint.
Now that says you did research which for a NH/pointing enthusiast who probably hasn't much time spare to properly follow AWT (Although you can keep referring to Thunderstruck if you so wish!) was commendable.

Now where's that fiver,or do you want me to put it towards a pair of black wellies coz green ones just don't suit ya!