Racing's Insecurity...

Sherry? Yecch! Make it a very cold Bombay Sapphire/tonic/ice/lime and he might get slightly nearer to the truth, Redhead! But I'm at the races most Sats in person, so anything stronger than a Burpsi is out of the question, sob, sob.
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People don't like to feel ignorant, so racing needs to stop assuming that everyone there knows one end of a horse from another or the formbook inside out

Good point. Its amazing how so many on this forum cope

Anyway, good post Redhead...very good :)

very cold Bombay Sapphire/tonic/ice/lime
a nice idea!
Just caught up with the last few posts! Clivex, splendid show of a GSOH there! :lol:

I'm quite confused now as to what 'the public do want - a bit of airtime with Thommo, a brief view of the nice horseys, or a slightly equinized (?) version of Blackpool Pleasure Beach. Possibly the lot, for a fiver, with a hog roast sarnie and a pint for £2!

(I do love Bombay Sapphire - we can buy each other a large one if we ever meet! Only seem to drink it when out with pals, a bottle at home lasted two years until a 'fan' found it!)
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Good alcohol needs good company!

I don't drink, but I do love good company. :D
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World Cup Impact...

Slightly back on-topic, I note Salisbury were complaining about the fact that the Germany match will cut into their Sunday card having had a 27% loss on the crowd on Wednesday afternoon.

No report on the attendance at Carlisle though the Clerk did suggest the crowd was down on last year. Both courses had segregated areas well away from the main stands and ring for the football supporters.

What we don't of course know is what would have happened had either course said they were NOT going to show the football (as Wimbledon aren't).

Both Salisbury and Uttoxeter are emphasising the availability of the football on Sunday but it will be more interesting to see what happens if England prevail on Sunday.

The quarter-final involving England is scheduled for Saturday July 3rd and would therefore clash with the Eclipse and the Lancashire Oaks.

Now, I can't imagine this happening but wouldn't it be a generally positive move if Andrew Cooper said they were NOT going to show the football at Sandown ? The Eclipse is a serious Grade 1 race and Sandown charges Grade 1 prices (£40 for the Premier enclosure). It's always busy on Eclipse day with people who have come for the racing - Sandown doesn't need to show the football but why am I certain they will ?
It'll be this way every four years until the end of time, Stodge. Football's a huge spectator sport and you'd have to imagine that there are plenty of racegoers who want to enjoy their social day out but not miss the footie. In a sense, it's not a lot different to watching it in a pub, other than you'll miss a couple of races, which clearly some people are happy to do. Racing is taking the view that it isn't going to re-jig its fixtures list every four years to accommodate football itself, but to accommodate its fans who are also racegoers. All courses know that every four years, their gate take will be down (not necessarily hospitality), while none are willing to reschedule to other days - I suppose they could, in theory, but you'd probably end up with some days having 20 courses on at once, making up for their rescheduled meetings!
The crowd at Salisbury was well down again yesterday as well.

I was told that Windsor weren't showing the football yesterday; something to do with the police not allowing it according to my sources!