Rams: Ch4 catchup ( no, it isn’t about my local football team…)


Senior Jockey
Nov 22, 2008
I haven’t watched it yet but I know I’m going to like it. I caught the tail end of it on Film4 last night and was really disappointed that I’d missed it. An Australian comedy ( I love Australian films) starring Sam Neil( I love Sam Neil) and a load of sheep ( I love sheep: my favourite breed being Grey Faced Dartmoors). I then realised Film 4 is on Ch4 catchup so I can watch it tonight.
Currently on Channel 34, Runaway Jury (Gene Hackman, Dustin Hoffman, John Cusack, Rachel Weitz), a John Grisham story.
I started watching Rams...got to the bit where Sam was about to shoot the beautiful sheepies and thought, not for me so I gave up!
I started watching Rams...got to the bit where Sam was about to shoot the beautiful sheepies and thought, not for me so I gave up!
Still haven’t watched it ( had the grandchildren for the day and too tired to do anything but also too tired to sleep). A friend of mine says she’s watched it twice and loves it. I like wallowing in misery so I should be ok with dead sheep although I still haven’t plucked up the courage to watch Old Yeller even though I bought the dvd years ago.
Well, I started watching it but realised it was a much deeper film than I was expecting: it’s a faithful ( other than being set in Australia of course) adaptation of an Icelandic film and is really about the relationship between the two brothers and I needed to concentrate on what was happening. Then my dog was poorly and I spent most of the night taking her out into the garden. Going to have another go when I can watch it properly. The sheep in the film seem to be Dorsets, which is the breed that lives in the field at the end of my partners garden.