Rats! WebGL hit a snag

Diamond Geezer

Gone But Not Forgotten
May 2, 2003
Anyone else getting this message for pages on this forum ? The only web site (for me) on which it happens

Have googled about and there doesn't seem to be a definitive solution.

Incidentally I use the Google Chrome browser.
The BT advert won't be the problem, possibly the dynamic one that seems for me to be adverising holidays most the time, apparently it scans the page and shows adverts that are appropriate to the content!

I'm out at the moment so can't disable it, but will try when I get home.

What version chrome are you using, most reports I found are from 2013, and found a google response saying:
This is happening because of bugs in the watchdog in Chrome's GPU sub-process causing it to think it hung during suspend and resume.
It's been fixed in Chrome 30 under Issue 258617 .

Also found this as a fix

I fixed it by going to chrome://flags -> Disable WebGL
I couldn't access the forum for a couple of hours this evening. The ads would load but nothing else.
Seems hunky dory today

Incidentally my version is as follows "Google Version 44.0.2403.155 m is up to date"
I couldn't access the forum for a couple of hours this evening. The ads would load but nothing else.

I had that syndrome and after a while if I clicked on the X where the refresh button is the rest of the page loaded, but the syndrome reappeared on the next page
I'm stuck tbh, pretty much everything off, the 2 adverts at the top are only image file so shouldn't be causing it, I'm going try removing them all for you let me know how it is when they go, might be a couple of hours before i get the chance to do it :)