Remember This ?

I don't know about you, but I'm totally chilled-out now... :D that's very pretty and relaxing, isn't it? I'd sorta like it on a loop when I'm up to my neck in bath bubbles. (Never heard it before, though!)
It's from my favourite childhood TV programme White Horses, the song was sung by Irish singer Jacky Lee who also sang Rupert.

I think there may be a problem with the link I originally posted, so here is another

White Horses
I got a blank screen for a wee bit, but then the (first) link worked fine. Very pretty little song. Now I want to hear The Pogues' version...
Following on of course from the 1930s Flash Gordon films and with the Banana Splits afterwards.
Originally posted by Diminuendo@Aug 7 2006, 08:09 PM
Did you know that the BBC wiped all but one of the translated/dubbed episodes of White Horses from their archives..............plonkers!!
That is seriously tragic news, Dims. I have often wondered why clips have never been shown. It was one of my fav shows along with Black Beauty (I still have the annuals! :shy: )
Originally posted by Arkwright@Aug 7 2006, 08:47 PM
'Hello Little Old Lady' as Chorlton would say in his dodgy Yorkshire accent to Fenella
I'll say it was a dodgy Yorkshire accent - Chorlton was a Lancastrian! Wars have been fought over less...
I do have the single, White Horses (would it be worth anything), tried a few years ago to get it as my ringtone.

Dont get me started on chorlton, he was my all time favourite...... eee its the little ol lady ont hill. The German spell book was brilliant.
Originally posted by Isty@Aug 13 2006, 05:52 PM
I do have the single, White Horses (would it be worth anything), tried a few years ago to get it as my ringtone.

I think you'll find it could well be. Although I hated the programme, the theme tune was all I ever used to watch it for. I've actually been after a copy for about 7 or 8 years without ever really applying myself too rigourously in the pursuit, and know that its not readily available. The problem I faced really, was that I could never alert my piss taking mates to my quest :lol: Which brings me onto 'The Flashing Blade' which is also up there on the high pantheon of childrens TV themes.

The other one I'm after if you're doing requests Dim's :D Is the theme to 'Kellys Heroes" - the Morricone Spaghettis are widely available, and have thus been accquired.

I'm really chuffed for that though Dims cheers, came as a surprise since the htread title gave nothing away, and chose to ignore it initially when I realsied i had to download something to play it. It's only as I read some of the feedback that I realised all of a sudden what you were talking about.

Thinking about it, I'm pretty certain it won some award about 9 months ago for childrens TV theme of all time?
Well there you go Warbler, you'll have to pay more attention to my threads in future! :lol: :lol:

It's surprising how many people like the White Horses tune and I would not be surprised to see it released soon as its now the Clarke's theme on their adverts.

One theme tune I would love to hear is to Belle and Sebastian, a tale of a young boy and a Pyrenean Mountain dog. The tune that is available on the net is not the correct one.

Warbler is this what you are looking for??

Kelly's Heroes
Talking of Belle and Sebastian, one of my younger cousins was well into the pop group and me being slightly aged, talked about a bit white dog and dubbed sound, she looked at me like I'd fallen out of a tree.

On another note I always thought the way they spoke was dead cool, not realising it was dubbed, spent years trying to talk in the same way. Wasnt a pretty site. Told you I was naive.
Thanx again Dims!!! "Burning Bridges" was the song I was after. I knew some minority late 60's early 70's band called the Mike Curb Congregation were responsible for it, but again finding a copy had proven even harder than White Horses.

Despite its unfortunate American militaristc intro (only about 5 or 6 secs) I've always liked the simplistic harmonies, and the lyrics dig a little bit deeper with each year that passes as I start to empathise with the sentiments of the loner who ploughed his own furrow to no ultimate affect, other than squandered opportunities and a final lack of self fulfillment :lol:

I think I've decided to get on top of this download thing since my stereo is on its last legs. Unfortunately time has passed me by on this technology thing, (I was good once honest) but I fear I'd be like that middle aged eejit from a Not the Nine O'Clock News sketch now if I went into an electrical shop! The one who tries to buy a "Gram ma Phone"? Anyone with a copy of 'Hedgehog Sandwich' should understand the reference?
Originally posted by Diminuendo@Aug 7 2006, 09:31 AM
It's from my favourite childhood TV programme White Horses, the song was sung by Irish singer Jacky Lee who also sang Rupert.

White Horses
Just done a wikipedia on her, and apart from being quite a bit older than I realised she was when she sang white horses (i was under the impression she was some kind of early teen child prodigy) she also sang the backing vocals on Green Green Grass of Home, and Hey Joe :o