Reverse your stalls bias formulas


At the Start
May 2, 2003
Dahn sarf
The RP online tonight carries an important article noting that Britain will come into line with the rest of the world (bar Ireland) and reverse the position of stalls numbering as from the beginning of the Flat season next year. However, to warm people to the idea, Kempton will be trialling it in the early New Year.

It will affect 11 courses: Ascot, Beverley, Carlisle, Folkestone, Kempton, Leicester, Musselburgh, both Newmarket courses, and Ripon and Sandown are being designated right handed along with Goodwood, Hamilton, Salisbury and Windsor, even though they include left-handed turns.

Stalls currently number from the inside, and draws begin from the right, as viewed from the stands. It's to fall in line with discussions between members of the International Federation of Horseracing Authority's attempts to standardise a number of racing issues.

So, you'll need to start reversing thoughts of draw biases from next year.
That should be fun for a while! A few horses might be sent off at the wrong price!
Sure will - I can see last-minute unscramblings while the poor stalls handlers try to remember which course they're at, and whether they've set the numbers right or wrong. Love the idea of a couple of races going off where the starter's forgotten to check the numbering, too! Ho-ho-ho, I can hear Thommo already.
Chef, I just emailed Matt Chappers at ATR and he confirms they are still the same - not yet changed. Thus, high = good, low = not good.
First meeting this will affect is Musselburgh on 1st April. Ironic date really.

aye - is there really any need for this change?

there are many differences between racing in each country...why is the search for uniformity so important i wonder?

does it mean we will have to close all right handed tracks as well for instance?
It's because only Britain and Ireland are out of synch with the rest of the world, EC1, and presumably it makes things easier for the millions of punters worldwide who aren't British or Irish.
It's because only Britain and Ireland are out of synch with the rest of the world, EC1, and presumably it makes things easier for the millions of punters worldwide who aren't British or Irish.

i know what you are saying but it just seems pointless to me...if i watch racing from another country I adapt my brain to how it works..i just can't see the need to change it

i would think horses running right handed would also be out of step with the rest of the other countries have right handed tracks?
Surely if all these foreigners are backing trap 1 at Kempton expecting them to make all against the rail, it will be bad for racing when this is reversed, they start winning and therefore reduce bookmakers profits which will in turn reduce levy payments.
I agree that all courses should be uniform, absurd that stall one is on the inside on one track and the outside at another.

Don't know why they couldn't start it on Janaury 1st either rather than a random date down the line.
DJ: the Levy is reduced to crumbs as it is - much less and owners might as well run for a box of Thornton's Continental or a cuddly toy.
I'm even going to struggle to know which horses to back at Chester now, as my brain doesn't cope well with things like this [clocks changing etc].
Moehat: look into my eyes, not round my eyes, look into my eyes...

... actually, look back up at my first post... Chester is not one of the 11 courses affected, dearest, so your stunning 100-1 coup will be quite safe!
Because it's in our national fabric to be contrary, EC1! Just like we hang onto medieval ploughing terms for distances and Imperial measures for jockeys' weights. I'd have thought those more useful to have got globalised first.
Thanks, Kri:

For my ease of mind do I simply reverse my logic on all the following courses or do some need reverse logic and others don't?

Ascot, Beverley, Carlisle, Folkestone, Kempton, Leicester, Musselburgh, both Newmarket courses, and Ripon and Sandown are being designated right handed along with Goodwood, Hamilton, Salisbury and Windsor, even though they include left-handed turns.

I'm chiefly interested in Ascot, Newmarket, Ripon, Sandown, Kempton and Goodwood

Oooh, don't ask me, ducks! I know nuttin'... but there are experts on here who will no doubt help you out, like SteveM, for one example.
Calling SteveM.

Just been advised that you're the man to bring enlightenment.

Been putting finishing touches to my spreadsheets and my draw column remains blank.

I've spent the last hour or so sketching the various courses and where the stalls are, how they are numbered etc.

I can see shambles-a-foot.

Obviously when they are loading, currently to the handlers,stewards and starters either behind or in front of the stalls 'No 1' always appears in the same place. In the new regime that may not be the case.


Handler: .... last one going in sir, all 24 loaded

Starter: just a minute, just a minute ... got this wrong ... now if we flip the numbers 1-12 around and then 13-24 followed by 8-15 ... we might still get this race off on time.

Hi Monty, I've copied and pasted this from the BHA press release, hope it answers your queries.

5. Altering Stalls Numbering Protocol at “Right Handed” Racecourses
Currently on all British racecourses the starting stalls are numbered in ascending order from left to right if you are looking through the stalls from behind. This practice applies regardless of whether the track races right handed or left handed. The only other racing jurisdiction which adopts this practice is Ireland. In all other jurisdictions left handed racecourses adopt this practice, however, right handed racecourses number their starting stalls in ascending order from right to left if you are looking through the stalls from behind.
From 30 March2011 (start of the flat turf season) Britain will change the manner in which the starting stalls are numbered on those racecourses which stage flat racing and are classified as right handed. No change will be made to racecourses classified as left handed. This change will see the starting stalls on the 14 racecourses listed below, all of which have been classified as right handed, being numbered in ascending order from right to left if you look through the stalls from behind.
The change in practice will be effective for all races, including those run on a straight course, run at these racecourses. The Clerk of the Course at each of these courses will continue to adopt their current practices in where they position the starting stalls on the track for races run over a straight course. Publications which make available draw statistics have been consulted and advise that they will be able to ‘flip’ their existing statistics so as they will maintain their relevance. Consultation has also taken place with the RCA, NTF, and PJA, who have all expressed their support for this change in the numbering of the starting stalls.
The racecourses which have been classified as right handed, due to the major bend being right handed when races are run around a turn, are Ascot, Beverly, Carlisle, Folkestone, Goodwood, Hamilton, Kempton, Leicester, Musselburgh, Newmarket (Rowley Mile and July Courses), Ripon, Salisbury, Sandown, and Windsor.