Riding a Bike


Jul 19, 2006
North Herts
It's been quite a few years since I rode a bike but I have kept my early 70's Carlton in reasonable condition. I ordered a couple of tyres and inner tubes for it and set to work getting it road worthy.

First difficulty was to find a suitable spanner to get the wheels out but I found a couple in an old tool box. I got the front wheel out and with a lot more effort than I remember managed to fit the new tyre to the front wheel.

The front tyre itself was in bad condition but when I examined the inner tube it seemed perfectly OK. I used the new one anyway but then had a look at the rear tyre and could see no signs of it being perished and decided to just pump it up.

Sat down with a cup of coffee feeling quite pleased with myself to see if both tyres would retain their pressure before embarking on my maiden voyage.

Imagine my chagrin when I discovered that my joints have stiffened up so much that I had great difficulty in getting my leg over, (no sniggering in the cheap seats).

I'm not going to give up but will do some gentle exercises to try and loosen things up.
I had a spin last week through hilly wine country in Germany on an e-bike that had no crossbar. It was my first time on two wheels in a very long time. It felt quite wobbly at first but it didn’t take long to get back in the swing of things and it ended up being very satisfying. On a normal bike I’d recommend somewhere flat and off-road for your first go.
Good for you Walsworth! I borrowed a neighbours bike during lockdown and did 5km nearly every day, admittedly not very far but we’ve got a couple of short sharp hills on the route. Initially I struggle every year (April to end September) and cuss while trying the hills. But I keep at it and feel great when I get home. It only takes about 20 minutes unless I bump into people in town then it can be three times longer! :ROFLMAO: But Ive now got a basket on the front so I can do a bit of shopping that way too as I live a mile from town.

I’ve also joined our local gym full time and try to take in a couple of classes a week and maybe one session on the weights. All this was because of my school reunion last weekend but I do feel loads better and can see the difference. It’s so much harder to get fit the older you get. I’m trying to encourage a lad who works in our small supermarket to start. He’s 29, looks 49 and must be about 20 stone. He’s a diabetic case and early death waiting to happen. Spends his working day snacking on Ginsters pasties!
Been waiting for the weather to improve in order to get out and about (no point in killing myself trying to fight pishy weather as well, I reckon) and properly active.

My preferred option is a walk down to the local cemetery and a few laps of it then back up to the house. Might only be a few miles all told but the cemetery is on a very steep slope, as is the hill up to the house, so the laps are a kind of interval training.

(Inspired by former Rangers manager Jock Wallace who used to take the team to the sand dunes at Gullane for pre-season training as his teams always seemed far fitter than ours.)