RIP Colin

I said my piece on the Chatroom thread, PJ, but also happy to pay homage to Colin here.

So many friendships formed here over the years. The trivial fall-outs or cross-words I may have indulged in over the years, seem so trivial right now, but my overwhelming feeling right now is one of gratitude.
I just popped in to see how you were all getting on this week. I hadn't been a part of the forum as long as most but I'd just echo the thoughts of everyone on the other thread, I've just read through it very sad indeed.

Very sorry to hear this. A pleasant and helpful man who created and maintained this forum in an efficient, light touch way. Thanks Col.
We all owe you!
I am really sorry to hear this news. Colin's efforts in establishing this forum brought so much enjoyment to so many people. The friendships that I and so many others have established over the years through this forum are due to the connection that Colin provided for us.

May Colin Rest in Peace and may the knowledge that he was so highly regarded provide some comfort to his family at this terribly sad time.
It’s been a fantastic effort to keep this forum going all these years - the totally vital cog that made the forum what it is. Colin also sent us individual birthday wishes every year, a lovely touch.

RIP, mate.

Col was dedicated to the forum even contacting me via Facebook messenger from A&E a few nights ago re a forum matter
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Col done for more us than we could do for him.

Indeed, he never sought a penny and took on the costs of upkeep of the forum.

Always a gent, diplomacy was a characteristic of when he posted and always one to completely downplay his efforts in upkeep.

He took great pride in the fact that even after the social media explosion, we kept a great community together.

We are all in shock still but do hope we keep the forum active to honour him
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I already said my piece on the Chatroom thread but happy to join Granger in this tribute to Colin.
I wasn't close to him but when he mentioned losing weight and being extremely weak I thought he might be suffering from TB as I had lost 6 stone myself.
So I felt I should offer my support and PM'd him late on Monday when he explained to me in a long PM what the problem was which he asked me not to disclose.
He wasn't too happy with his doctor and said he was going to have strong words with him on Tuesday but I never heard back from him then I read his brothers message

His last words to me were that he was worried not about himslef but about him being a burden on his family..How unselfish is that?

R.I.P Colin I think all would agree you were a saint among men
Very sad to hear this news. He was a very friendly and welcoming person. As a better man than I once said “No, the journey doesn't end here. Death is just another path, one that we all must take. The grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass, and then you see it. White shores, and beyond, a far green country under a swift sunrise.” RIP
Thank you everyone for all the lovely words on here and the Chatroom thread - it's hugely comforting to read how much he was liked, respected and appreciated by you all. I'm not embarrassed to admit that reading the comments moved me to tears (big time), I think I'm still in shock and it just doesn't seem real. We are all truly devastated.

Colin was as selfless and altruistic in 'real life' as he was on here, he literally would do everything he could to try and help people out, whether their problems were big or small. As Tanlic has said above, he was determined not to have his loved ones worrying about him, as he didn't tell many people about the problems he was having, and when he did so he played down the seriousness greatly.

I honestly can't remember ever falling out or having a serious argument with him - apart from the obvious squabbles when we were young children - which I guess is probably something of a rarity with siblings!

At just 54 years of age, he has been taken from us far, far too soon. RIP brother xx
I had no idea of his age and can only echo what DO said.

I remember my early days on here when there were some “difficult” members. A quick message (or in my case an over emotional rant) and Col would just quieten the situation down. Just like a calming headmaster controlling a classroom of badly behaved children. No shouting, just a quiet but efficient action.

Like so many on here, it’s been my go to place. Like one big family. Lots of bickering and falling out at times but ultimately we all rub along quite well. And Col was just quietly sitting there in the background. I am actually choked typing these words. I never met him....I have no idea what he looked like. But he was a good guy and boy we are already missing him.
Reading some of the tributes here, and talking to some other members during the week, makes me realise there was a lot more quiet work going on behind the scenes to make this place function than I had imagined. And to think that Colin continued that work until the very end, even though he was in a lot of pain, is extraordinary. Rest in peace.