RIP Ginger

No not politically correct at all… When Red Rum died, one reporter suggested that it must be like losing a wife. McCain replied: “There’s 25 million women in this country and if I lose the wife I could certainly get another woman… but I could never get another Red Rum”… you had to love it.
I'd love to have seen those reporters' faces! Realistic, even if he had the pie and mash hurled at him when he got home!
While watching a reply of the 1977 race it was noticeable that a lot of the fallers were very tired when they went and the commentary was terrible so no real change in the last 34 years, but what was joyous to see was Rummy's jumping and the ease with which he travelled. Realising that it is not always the way things can be, but Tommy Stack did not use his whip once the entire way round. So good was that horse in this race and at those fences, it is absolutely stunning to watch even after all these years.
Goodness sake. One race and you are never going to allow him to forget it. Watch it again and watch McCoy in 4th place on a knackered horse......
Or Dettori next time he takes a race seriously.
Ballybriggs is not and will not be Red Rum. Watch Brian Fletcher in RR's first win.
My post was about RR not the use or non use of the whip. The comment was to try and express how easily he, RR, did it with top weight,at the age of 12, during his fifth running of the race.
At the risk of being accused of name dropping by some I know Jason as he has ridden my horse and he is absolutely in no way a vindictive jockey, or man, for that matter.
Yes, I do have half a brain, G-G, and did understand perfectly well that in the context of Ginger McCain, we're talking RED RUM and the Grand National. However, in the case of the equally brave if less brilliant BALLABRIGGS - yes, 'one' race indeed - the most watched NH race in the entire world, where Jason showed the millions watching that it was no bar to whacking a horse - what was it now? - 24 times?

I'm sure he's ridden a lot of horses he hasn't battered, but so what? That day, that horse, that race - there are rather a lot of people who'll never let him forget it, since it was yet another unwelcome demonstration in favour of those who'd like to ban it, and, for that matter, all jumps racing.
I say again - and it's not the oonly time he has been guilty of it - watch McCoy. Johnson on What's Up Boys is another example which instantly springs to mind.
Millions may watch but it's not millions who complained. I would also assert that 99% of jockeys in that position on that day on that horse would use their whip perhaps viewed as excessively to win that race.