Room 101 Tonight

Originally posted by BrianH@Feb 2 2007, 08:47 PM
But I was making any attempt at humour, albeit of a bitchy Private Eye, Popbitch or Holy Moly nature.

But "botox-faced" bitch was a nice touch. Unless you nicked it from her surprisingly honest autobiography.
I never knew she was a smack-head. Just about the most interesting thing she's ever done, sadly. I used to watch her on MTV Europe's afternoon show, she was shit then and she's shit now.
Originally posted by Euronymous@Feb 2 2007, 08:49 PM
I think someone is getting Davina and another equally "talented" whore mixed up.
No he isn't. Stan was once "seeing" Ulrika Jonsson, his future wife Estelle and Davina McCall all at the same time.