Rose Blossom

Ward was very bullish about Aegean this afternoon too, sounded in his voice as if it was a formality.

Gallop reports aren't all that, plenty have been chinned on the back of a gallop report.
I'm sure we've been told about various machines from gallop reports. Prefer to go on what happens on the track tbh and since the fillies have only worked two or three times over here it will be hard to judge without knowing the horses and how they work usually.
Before coming over here they worked together in a public sprint over 3F's on turf at River Downs. They did the trip in 34.80 secs with Aegean edging it from Jealous. On top of that of course, she also holds a race verdict of 1.5L's at Chruchill Downs in their first big juvenile race of the year where Wards did a 1-2. The race has fallen to fillies 7 times in the last 20 years, (I think Iread on soem American chat forum) so I wouldn't overlook the fact that not only do they have fast times, and pattern form, they've also been beating colts