The horse was great - an equine Brian Blessed if ever there was! I watched it and thought it'd be quite a decent wee tale for horse-mad girls. The characters don't come painted in broader brush strokes in cartoons, but as a sort of televisual Mills & Boon, it's okay, if you like Mills & Boon.
Okay, picky-picky time: a Pelham with a Grakle with a running martingale for the cob? Jeez, talk about over-aided! Rough Diamond is being lunged, is left in a halter, and then a wee while later in walks the Troubled Teen, and the horse (little genius that he is) has put himself into a D-ring snaffle bridle. Brilliant! Why can't all bonkers horses be this savvy? It'd save ages on tacking-up, and if he could just shove the broom around a bit, the filthy yard might get cleaned up, too.