Royal Ascot competition?

There’s a slight delay on the results as the minion is in delayed mode so if you can bear with me?
The lucky winner (I’ve a good guess who it is but will wait until official results) will get £50 kindly sponsored by Marb and topped up by me and the runner up will receive £20 kindly sponsored by Geordiecolin.

Well done in advance and thank you to all who played.
There’s a slight delay on the results as the minion is in delayed mode so if you can bear with me?
The lucky winner (I’ve a good guess who it is but will wait until official results) will get £50 kindly sponsored by Marb and topped up by me and the runner up will receive £20 kindly sponsored by Geordiecolin.

Well done in advance and thank you to all who played.
I have sent you a message so I know who to send the money too Jinny