Ruby in RUK


At the Start
May 4, 2003
I was surprised with McNae having Ruby in the studio talking about the Festival and not asking him if he is riding Hurricane Fly, Thousand Star or neither of them.
Oh, thanks, Colin. So that's what you think of women - not intelligent, not incisive. It's not 'rather' sexist, it's well worthy of the bleedin' Taliban.

"That why no need educate wimmin. They not intelligent, they stay home, make baby and cook food. Fuckin useless at incisive camel racing analysis, anyway."
I find Krizon's remarks about the Taliban highly discriminatory, and not in a good way.
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Went a helluva smash at the last hurdle off KING OF THE REFS, holding hanky to his forehead after taking some time to rise. Very nasty - BORO BEE, who was horizontally BD by KOTR, seemed to fall with her hindlegs over Ruby - maybe she clipped his head with a back shoe. She was down for a time, too, but fortunately just winded, got up and walked off looking fine.

Boys - go to your rooms now. I shall be along to chastise you thoroughly, unintelligently but definitely incisively, later. (Sharpens tiny hooks on the flail... )
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Poor bugger - he bounces straight back 99% of the time, but boy, when he doesn't, he really does get a battering. Hope he'll be all right for his big rides, but if he's been bashed hard in the face, there's always the possibility of late concussion or dizziness.

SteveM: you know me, darlin' - life's like the old handicapper (retd.): JOY AND PAIN.
How come he's stayed the course so long, then? He's been going for yonks - years ago he was fronting as a permanent duo with James Willoughby, before the ATR/RUK split, so he must do something right, no?
How come he's stayed the course so long, then? He's been going for yonks - years ago he was fronting as a permanent duo with James Willoughby, before the ATR/RUK split, so he must do something right, no?

There isn't necessarily a linear relationship between longevity and merit, imo. I refer you to previous posts regarding Graham Goode. :cool: