Ruby Out

No it's not a simple point. This is why I said that we have different definitions.

I think he is "driven" to win big races. I think he is "driven" to work with top people. He puts his body on the line to do so.

He is not "driven" to ride for £1.8k in a maiden hurdle at Taunton for Luke Dace.
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That wasn't the original point though, was it? It was that he is very driven. By definition, mine and yours, he is not.
say for example...

I'm driven at work when it may affect my bonus.

I'm not driven when the work doesn't.

Therefore, I'm not driven. I think the problem is that you are misusing the term - you could say he is much more motivated by bigger races (which is true) but a person can't be called driven if this is only on certain occasions - it's an inbuilt character trait, not something that can be turned on and off - this can be seen through people like McCoy, APOB, Alex Ferguson etc

I am not misusing the term.

He is driven to win big races.

He is fucking driven.

Driven: Motivated or determined by a specified factor or feeling.

He is motivated and determined by the specific factor of winning races. And the nice feeling it gives him. This determination and motivation can be seen in the way he rushes himself back grom injury to get that factor or feeling.

His two most recent injuries were on the 109 rated Corrick Bridge and Mick Hourigan's Friendly Society.