Russell Brand

Prank calls are the lowest common denominator of humour. This wouldn't be RB's finest hour.

I confess I can take or leave his comedy, but I find him a disarmingly good interviewee. He has plenty in the grey-matter department, though it would appear it wasn't put to particularly good use during this Sachs episode.
His comic timing is dismal and like so many hideously overrated "comics" (Vic Reeves springs to mind...) he shouts to compensate

Hes not stupid but there is a purile self obsessed edge to his so called humour which leaves me cold

West Ham too..for which he should be shot in the face
Pair of lowlifes. The BBC should boot them both.

I agree but I'll be surprised if it does. It'll only make them more (in)famous and, to the perverse attitudes of the celebrity-adoring thick British public, a bigger prize for the commercial stations who can probably afford to pay them more anyway.

I think any apology from them should be as public as the original offensive messages. The world will know anyway they wouldn't be sincere but at least it would better than condoning it by doing next to nothing.
Having listened bites from the show I am amzed that anybody tunes in. Why listen to that self absorbed shoite?
People need to get over themselves. Was it nice? No. Was it funny? No. Did anyone die...

10,000 BBC complaints and top item on the news nearly two weeks after the event. I'll wager that not many of those 10,000 listened to the show.

Ross and Brand are two people who will divide people. Some like, some don't or some like me are indifferent. Of those 10,000 how many do we think fall in to the 'don't like' category and are taking this opportunity to register a petty vote? And I they are the least likely to have been listening any way.

It's just not news. Boring.
I agree with betsmate - and besides which, having read a transcript of what went on, the most harm was done to themselves since they both came out of it looking like utter tits, and not funny in the slightest. Which is certainly how I'd thinhk about Russell Brand anyway, arrogant, unfunny, self obsessed little git.
Was amazed at how much coverage this was getting in the papers on the way home alright. Slow news week?
I agree with betsmate - and besides which, having read a transcript of what went on, the most harm was done to themselves since they both came out of it looking like utter tits, and not funny in the slightest. Which is certainly how I'd thinhk about Russell Brand anyway, arrogant, unfunny, self obsessed little git.

I tend to agree with most of this and would apply most of the remarks to Ross as well. However, I think a lot of people will have a great deal of sympathy for Andrew Sachs. He's been a valuable employee of the BBC for decades and didn't deserve to have this kind of prank - at best puerile and at worst criminal - played on him.

I think it is news and deserves to be up there with the headline items. If it gets these two w$nkers off our screens and out of our lives we'll all have been done a favour.
How will headline publicity about bad behaviour get a celebrity whose fame is based on his rebellion off our screens?

Its like a petroleum fire-extinguisher.
I haven't heard the sound bites, just the description of what was said but I don't think phoning a 78 yr old man and telling him how you porked his grand daughter should be dismissed as inconsequential.Perhaps the outcry shows that people do still have standards.

If anyone phoned my home with comments of that nature about any of mine I wouldn't be making a complaint to the authorities.I'd be straight into the car, and I think most of you would be the same.
I think the value in this debate is not these two over sexed adolsecents and their sniggering at the teacher from the back of the class. Its a greater issue of societal norms that they felt that this was funny to a R2 audience.

What is happening to the world? Maybe if this pair are austracised content providers on TV and Radio might have a second thought.
sack the pair of them, licence monies paying JONAFON WOS 18 MILLION over 3 yrs I never ever watch either of them utter arseholes, comes to mind......

send emails to the BBC and complain, I see hey have had 18000 already............