Ruth Davidson


At the Start
Jun 6, 2005
Where as I've got every confidence that David Cameron could slide his way underneath the belly of a snake whilst wearing a top hat when it suited him, but at least Ruth Davidson speaks some sense. She did manage to stop short of calling this sycophantic decision shite, but called it a "steaming pile of nonesense".

"Downing Street and other Whitehall departments were among those to put Union Flags at half mast after the death of 90-year-old King Abdullah".

Mind you, coming 24 hours after Leon Brittan. What exactly should we be acknowledging King Abdullah for, his suppression of free speech in Bahrain, his flogging of bloggers, his appalling human right record, or his funding of militant sunni Islam. There must be some reason why we fawn over this repressive and reactionary regime - can't think what though
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I have no time for saudi arabia but they cannot be compared with isis. Thats ridiculous.

What has leon brittans death got to do with it?
its an absolute disgrace..but this is what you have to do when someone has completely got you by the b*llocks..thats owns you to the point of complete ownership

they could carry out a nuclear strike and we would support it
Also if you think he was funding aq then you are pretty clueless. As yet there has been no evidence that saudi authorities have funded isis either. Attacked it yes.
its an absolute disgrace..but this is what you have to do when someone has completely got you by the b*llocks..thats owns you to the point of complete ownership

they could carry out a nuclear strike and we would support it

What are you talking about?
I have no time for saudi arabia but they cannot be compared with isis. Thats ridiculous.

What has leon brittans death got to do with it?

no they can't be compared..must be few heads behind..probably 2-1 to Isis after extra time i'd say

i'll bet those miners that used to sing songs about kids will be really sad today
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half brother says he will carry on the good work.

that makes us feel a lot better

that is unless you are a your head on your shoulders etc

oooh ..Dave's going to see them tomorrow..thats nice
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What has leon brittans death got to do with it?

Amusing coincidence. When a fine upstanding politician of impeccable credentials who mentors such great statesmen for us like Nick Clegg, so sadly passes, no one really bats an eyelid. But when a regressive, abusive and oppresive monarch from a country miles away, sycophantic Cameron gives it the half mast treatment. Is it because Brittan was Jewish, and the vile civil service and government are paranoid jew haters I wonder? After all they're fawning over terrorist sponsors and muslims again aren' they
it could be worse Clive..can you imagine how much sh*t we would have to forgive/make excuses for if Isis were selling us oil

See other thread or look up how much oil Saudi sells us. You are way wide of the mark
Also if you think he was funding aq then you are pretty clueless. As yet there has been no evidence that saudi authorities have funded isis either. Attacked it yes.

Very rich plutocrats fund terrorists from Saudi Arabia Clive. These people are known to the authorities but they're influential and reach a status in Saudi society where by the authorities turn a blind eye to it in return for their support and on condition that they use that influence not to target the Saudi ruling classes. The United States used to be the biggest funder of the IRA. The American authorities knew this, and furthermore knew who the individuals were, but never did anything about it. Cosy relationships.

You've even got a silly situation where Syria is trading oil and weapons with ISIS
Amusing coincidence. When a fine upstanding politician of impeccable credentials who mentors such great statesmen for us like Nick Clegg, so sadly passes, no one really bats an eyelid. But when a regressive, abusive and oppresive monarch from a country miles away, sycophantic Cameron gives it the half mast treatment. Is it because Brittan was Jewish, and the vile civil service and government are paranoid jew haters I wonder? After all they're fawning over terrorist sponsors and muslims again aren' they

Again... Show me where abdullah has sponsored terrorism?

You are continuously suggesting they sponsor aq and isis. Again, the idea that they would sponsor aq is plain stupid
Very rich plutocrats fund terrorists from Saudi Arabia Clive. These people are known to the authorities but they're influential and reach a status in Saudi society where by the authorities turn a blind eye to it in return for their support and on condition that they use that influence not to target the Saudi ruling classes. The United States used to be the biggest funder of the IRA. The American authorities knew this, and furthermore knew who the individuals were, but never did anything about it. Cosy relationships.

You've even got a silly situation where Syria is trading oil and weapons with ISIS

and given that aq's first and main target was the Saudi ruling class I don't think that stands up in the slightest.
See other thread or look up how much oil Saudi sells us. You are way wide of the mark

i never mentioned the saudis selling us oil..i mentioned its a good job isis not supplying it

i wonder what the attraction is with SA though..maybe Dave just likes them
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See other thread or look up how much oil Saudi sells us. You are way wide of the mark

It's difficult to know Clive. Oil gets traded on average about 22 times as furtures options on commodity markets (by Alan Duncan) before if ever gets to the petrol pump. At what point in the accountancy procedure is the originating sovereignity camoflagued? I don't know?
I dislike everything about Saudi but I'm not going to hang accusations on them that do not stand up. Secondly second rate "whatabout" points are a waste of time.

china executes citizens too. So they are as "bad as isis" then? Don't hear a lot about china on here do we? Blah blah
where did you get those figures from...are they set in stone?...or is it a guess or just a made up figure?

i don't really believe them
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I dislike everything about Saudi but I'm not going to hang accusations on them that do not stand up. Secondly second rate "whatabout" points are a waste of time.

china executes citizens too. So they are as "bad as isis" then? Don't hear a lot about china on here do we? Blah blah

No, China are the same as America in so far as they observe due process before executing criminals. ISIS execute anyone they don't particularly agree with, whereas the Saudi Royal Family executes their own princess's (and the British government then apologises to them if our free media has over stepped the mark by pointing it out)
That's was how many years ago???

chinese law is a well known farce and I would no more trust their due process than Saudis.
Forget oil for a moment; and consider the arms export business.
Saudi is the world's largest market for British arms exports, worth a couple of Billion annually. It is a significant contributor to the balance of trade, and is the underlay of the apparent obsequious attitude of British governent.
Britain is in the enviable position of being the supplier of Saudi military inventory; best to keep them on-side even if their detestable human rights record and their export of Wahhabi extremism sticks in the craw.
(But I do think that half-masting the country is a step too far).
best to keep them on-side even if their detestable human rights record and their export of Wahhabi extremism sticks in the craw.

which is why i said thank goodness Isis don't supply or buy anything from us..imagine having to turn a blind eye to their antics just for 30 pieces of silver
Forget oil for a moment; and consider the arms export business.
Saudi is the world's largest market for British arms exports, worth a couple of Billion annually. It is a significant contributor to the balance of trade, and is the underlay of the apparent obsequious attitude of British governent.
Britain is in the enviable position of being the supplier of Saudi military inventory; best to keep them on-side even if their detestable human rights record and their export of Wahhabi extremism sticks in the craw.
(But I do think that half-masting the country is a step too far).

Yes. The point is that the human rights abuses and the exporting of extremism would continue whoever is in charge there. As unpalatable as it is, the likely alternative to the monarchy is worse. The Saudis are never likely to accept a liberal democracy. It's probably the least likely society in the world to ever do so.