Ruth Davidson

Just to be clear. And it's very wearing this at times.

i strongly dislike the Saudi regime but under no circumstances are they a threat to the west (despite what many like to believe) . They are certainly not a regional threat either. If we were only to trade with countries with impeccable human rights our exports would be hit very hard. I believe we should not trade with regimes that sponsor terrorism or have human rights that are out of control (Congo iran North Korea) but you have to draw the line somewhere. Saudi is close to that line .

china does nit disclose how many it executes annually and on what basis. It's reckoned by amnesty to be at least 5000. So???

saudi have fought aq very hard and very successfully

There are Saudis that want democracy and I would wish they would find it but frankly it's probably the most theological society in the world and there is clearly very little desire for change. In the Arab spring there wasnt even a murmur.

The regime there would only be replaced by a hard line religous regime. And you know what that would produce. For all abdulahs faults it is well known that he battled the religous elements within that society for at least some limited change

A fair post in some ways but how do you put SA above Iran in terms of human rights?

And, if i have understood you correctly, are you saying dealing with barbaric regimes such as SA etc is justified because it props up our economies?
its a difficult point but frankly there isnt a nation anywhere that draws a high moral line on this. Weighing up thousands of jobs against such a line is tricky to say the least Iran is a different matter given its role in the world. It is copping it for its previous bigoted dangerous leader and direct sponsorship of terrorism (as we are reminded this week) but i believe that in time it will the sanctions will loosen
Getting back to the original post. Ruth Davidson or Nicola Sturgeon? You must choose one, no launching yourself off a cliff to avoid fate.
Getting back to the original post. Ruth Davidson or Nicola Sturgeon? You must choose one, no launching yourself off a cliff to avoid fate.

A brutal choice, but I'd side with the muncher - Sturgeon with her Lego hair and beige teeth, is just too hideous to contemplate.
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A brutal choice, but I'd side with the muncher - Sturgeon with her Lego hair and beige teeth, is just too hideous to contemplate.
You could always stick a bag over her head?:)

My teeth have never been whiter than white, but I'm 29 still with no fillings, so I'm proud. :)

Must have been all that milk I drunk as a bairn. :)
A brutal choice, but I'd side with the muncher - Sturgeon with her Lego hair and beige teeth, is just too hideous to contemplate.

Either way, it's the best* scenario for a threesome I've seen since Dot & Ethel from Eastenders.

Where's my willy indeed.

* by best, I mean most vomit inducing.