Originally posted by krizon@Jan 8 2007, 12:14 PM
Mel, I'm simply saying what I'm saying: if Ruth Kelly felt that her disadvantaged child could not have his/her needs served in a State school, then she is in a strong position to do something (i.e. Labour MP, not a desperate mother) about improving the conditions for such children in State schools. There has been this long-running nonsense, starting back in the early 1990s, that everyone is equal and that it's wrong to keep the mentally-defective in institutions, but that they should be put into 'care in the community' (with horrendous results, which Mencap - now SANE - pointed out would happen at the time); that children with learning problems (and there's a wide range of those) should be integrated into State schools so that they could somehow, miraculously, 'learn' from other kids... this dicking around with the lives of those unfortunate enough not to have full mental faculties has not been successful, but it's fashionable to still pretend that it's working.
There's no point going all emotional about the subject because it's about children. Either a child, anyone's child, is served by State education, whether the child has full mental faculties or not, or it's not served by State education. It's the government which provides State facilities, and as a member of the reigning government, Mrs Kelly is demonstrating that she doesn't have the levels of confidence that the government has in providing these services. SHE is in a position to make that point to her party - instead, she's opted out to put her child in the private sector (i.e. the for-profit/capitalist sector) and presumably, the vast amounts of parents with children with poor educative prospects can go to hell.
Clivex: here's where we don't and won't agree: with your redneck descriptions of people who don't have full mental faculties. I realise you've written them with a view to being 'controversial' and gaining some attention, but that's a pathetic new low in your behaviour.