Ryanair Chase

Am absolutely fuming, computer broke down 5 minutes before race started, was watching race in fear as Schindlers kept moving closer and closer, would have had a decent sized place bet on him on Betfair. Not amused.

Good winner though
VPU ran an incredible race considering he made those mistakes - had he not made them I think he would have won. But then thats Cheltenham!
Chock Thornton just out of hospital after being kicked inthe stomach and kidneys, and had to pass the doc this morning: how often do we see a jock come back to ride too soon after a really bad fall or an op... !! AP last year, Ruby in the winter after losing his spleen, and Choc today. I just dont; believe you can be 100% in a Gr1 in that state of tenderness. He looked in pain coming back up the horsewalk into the WE and I don't think it was just losing.

I did a RFCT with the front two so happy with the result financially, tho sad to see Voy Por lose the race. Imperial is an improver though - a good horse now.
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Imperial Commander simply loves Cheltenham and always runs well here. I don't think he got home in the King George (even though you'd have thought that getting 2m5f here so easily would probably mean he would stay) and it probably didn't help that it wasn't his beloved Cheltenham either.
Our Vic found to have bled after the race.

He went out like a light .

I must admit I did wonder whether it was good news for VPU backers when Choc was passed fit and I don't think it was his finest hour but he wasn't responsible for the clattering mistakes VPU so uncharacteristically made .

Great run by Imperial Commander but the proximity of Schindler's Hunt holds the form down.
He went out like a light .

I must admit I did wonder whether it was good news for VPU backers when Choc was passed fit and I don't think it was his finest hour but he wasn't responsible for the clattering mistakes VPU so uncharacteristically made .

I think that's fair. VPU was my biggest bet of the week and if McCoy had stepped in I wouldn't have complained. But I also wouldn't be up for blaming Thornton, despite the mistake possibly costing the race.
VPU is my fav horse, but it is well known he does occasionally wack a fence, and he did it there. I don't think he jumped as well as he can do. I too would not have complained had McCoy ridden him, but I am also not complaining about Chocs either. The two were made for each other and I hugely admire the loyalty that Chocs showed in wanting to get back on him so soon after injury. It worked when he rode him to victory in the Desert Orchid Chase with a recently broken collarbone - but it didn't work at Cheltenham. That's racing!

Imperial Commander is a much better jumper than VPU and especially at Cheltenham.