Saturday's placepot at Chester

Diamond Geezer

Gone But Not Forgotten
May 2, 2003
Placepot at Chester yesterday £6,671.60 to a £1 stake, and looking at the results seemed "gettable", just a freak one or no ?
Apparently the pool was £1.5 mill which shows it was just a completely freakish occurance. God only knows who was pumping the cash into the pool as apparently it os normally arund the 70-80k mark maximum for Chester meetings.
On Chester Cup day the average pool is 200K.To me its fairly obvious that one individual or syndicate has pumped 1.5 million into the pool.
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Would the size of the pool have been available on the Tote website near the off?
Would the size of the pool have been available on the Tote website near the off?

Pool sizes and units still running are available on tote pool. There has been a lot of talk about freak tote dividends in England and Ireland over the last few months- anyone with a lot of time on their hands could do a lot worse then keep a close eye on the nanny goat.
Tote promoting this heavily on their twitter feed, even though it's either a massive error or pool manipulation. Absolute shambles.
Placepot at Chester yesterday £6,671.60 to a £1 stake, and looking at the results seemed "gettable", just a freak one or no ?

28 September 2013 13:40:03 Chester Placepot 8261209
Leg 1: 6,11
Leg 2: 6,11
Leg 3: 2,8
Leg 4: 3,5
Leg 5: 1,9
Leg 6: 1
32 0.10 3.20 Bet settled 0.00

Missed out in leg 5 for 40p - gutted
The Tote lost all credibility in my eyes (in fact I'm surprised the GC didn't step in) when they started fiddling with the dividends over the various short payouts due to overseas wages being bet into the pool.

They then banned at least one overseas firm betting into the pools - which is effectively admitting that our pools are very weak and not strong enough to handle significant amounts of foreign cash.

As for what Rory has posted - them promoting this as something good that's just a PR disaster waiting to happen.

You either run a Totalisator system or you don't - it would appear that since being taken over by Betfred the Tote as we know it doesn't.
