Scariest Film You Have Ever Seen?

I think some people would say Saw III :lol:

From the BBC:

Staff at a UK cinema have had to call emergency services three times in one night because of a spate of people passing out during horror film Saw III.
One woman was taken to hospital and two other adults were treated by medics after fainting in Stevenage, Herts.

And in a separate case, a man collapsed at a cinema in Peterborough, Cambs, "due to the film's content".

"If you know you're squeamish, don't go," warned a spokesman for the East of England Ambulance Service.

"This is obviously a blood-thirsty film. Some of the scenes are fairly horrific," Matthew Ware told the BBC News website.

All the incidents took place on Friday evening, one of the busiest nights of the week for emergency crews, he added.

"Taking three ambulances out of the system on a Friday could potentially be a problem", said Mr Ware.

A woman in her 20s was discharged from the Lister Hospital in Stevenage after being treated.

And the two other cinemagoers - who had been at the town's Cineworld complex - were left "in the care of friends and relatives" without needing to be taken to hospital.

A man aged 34 fainted at the Showcase in Peterborough, Mr Ware said.

There was also a case of a 22-year-old woman passing out at Cineworld in Cambridge on Friday, but it had not been confirmed that she was watching Saw III, he added.

The slasher movie is currently number one in both the UK and North American box office charts.

A spokeswoman for the Cineworld chain said they did not wish to comment.
Originally posted by ovverbruv@Oct 29 2006, 09:34 PM
Earlier in the film you hear talk about how the original Blair Witch, the child murderer made the children stand in the corner facing the wall until she killed them. When Heather walks into the old house you see a brief shot of the last bloke standing in the corner facing the wall, then she is attacked from the side by someone/something unknown
That was the beauty of Blair Witch - you had to pay attention and listen to everything that was said early on in the film. As you say Mike, it was the details like that at the end that had my hackles right up!
Originally posted by Griffin@Oct 31 2006, 07:17 PM
I think some people would say Saw III :lol:

I think I mentioned before on this forum, that my cousin in Melbourne was involved in the making of the first Saw film. His name is in the credits. His best friend, James who he shared a flat with in Melbourne moved to Los Angeles to make his fortune... and hasn't he just! What a wasted opportunity for my cousin. He still works in the film industry in Australia, but he certainly isn't a millionaire.
It leads to mild jokes like "Did you see Saw?"


I saw Esau
Sitting on a see-saw,
I saw Esau,
And 'e saw me!

I am sure the producers of SAW III are not too upset about the amount of publicity that is being generated by all these people passing out in the cinema.

After all, any publicity must be good publicity especially when it involves the recent release of a new film! B)
No, Gareth, that was JAWS... :D

Kathy, if I recall correctly (a major triumph of memory these days), when the film companies brought out 3-D, people were supposed to be fainting away from fright as monsters appeared to jump out of the screen at them! As you say, good publicity, and quite possibly the company pays a few stooges to pretend to be distressed. Oh, how cynical, I hear you cry!
Gory films or 'traditional' horror films don't seem to really scare me - although the old sudden loud noise trick still makes me jump.

One film that did scare the complete bejesus out of me was Event Horizon.
Unexpected shocks are the one's that get me, the hand coming up from the grave at the very end of 'CARRIE' and the opening of the shirt of one of the casualties and the seeing of the intestines fall out in 'CATCH 22'.

As you see, I don't get to the cinema much these days. :D
I saw Seabiscuit at the cinema, and before that I think the last film I saw on the big screen was E.T.! :blink: