Scoop6 Urgent Advice Needed


Senior Jockey
Jul 4, 2004
Today I'm going to have a go at the Scoop6 for the first time.

Therefore unlike most of you I am not yet used to winning this bet, so I would be grateful for some advice about what to do when I'm still alive heading into the final leg with one unit left.

How do I turn this situation into guaranteed profit? Is there someone to whom I could sell a share in my ticket? Mr Chandler, perhaps? Mr Curley? Gordon Brown?

And how do I let my jockey and his weigh room colleagues appreciate the importance of my horse winning?
What you do, Grey - is to shite yourself with nerves and get quite a headrush whilst working out how to spend the cash. Until the runners in the 4 tickets you have finish 3rd, 4th, 5th and nowhere in the final leg, the Cesarewich, that is.....
How do I turn this situation into guaranteed profit?

Betfair, red button, ask friends to do same for you.

I regret not ringing folk to put accounts on Dylan Thomas in the Arc when the decision was in the stewards room; I had had a nice bet on Youmzain at 95/1.
Right then, I've submitted my single line entry and am off out to stock up on toilet paper on Shadow's advice. It's frustrating that I have to wait a few days before getting stuck into the bonus race.