Sea the Stars / Breeding

On a similar vein, I noticed many years ago that fillies by Kris seemed to stay further than his colts, bit of generalisation admittedly as there would be exceptions. Its probably bollocks, like the Sadlers Wells needing soft etc etc
well, tend to go along shad´s second point - how often has it been tried? fillies won quite some runnings of the St Leger in the 70ies and 80ies, and only studs like cheveley would probably campaign a filly / mare accordingly nowadays. not sure if the theory stands up in total though too.
Because it's all about the gamble, Sheokh, isn't it? If he turns out to the real deal, like his half-brother, then you're ahead of the game as the stud fee will go upwards yet again and could be unaffordable - assuming, of course, that we're talking about breeding to race. Either way, if the mares are good quality proven mares, if breeding to sell as foals or yearlings then using him when he retires to stud would also be sound commercial sense as I would guess that they would be highly saleable. GALLILEO's were good-lookers and this horse is too, so if you start with decent mares, then you are unlikely to get horror stories.

My feeling is that by the time this fella is finished racing his price will be too tastey for an unproven sire. Sounds like the sceanario described is where money is not a huge object so why start with a gamble. Pay the money and get a proven stallion. Galileo or Cape Cross perhaps. Gamble with the profit (hopefully) If he sells on the bubble and does ok but STS is ultimately a failure at stud he's made shit of his mares.
If STS is a failure on proven mares, it won't affect them one whit. By 'proven' I mean mares who have bred decent winners. Of course they'll have a bad year with their STS offsprng but overall it won't affect them commercially, as any failure of the mare's offspring by STS will be discounted by any half decent breeder/agent/owner.

It all depends on who ends up standing STS, doesn't it? If he's bought by Coolmore then his stud fee won't be on the same level as GALLILEO I would guess - it will be cheaper by some way in order to attract the high quality mares they'll want for him. Same goes for Darley - he'd be a flagship stallion for them, all right!

If the owner wants to stand him independently, who knows where he'll go - could be anywhere.
That criteria was part of my initial response to the question raised - ie if you were buying four mares to send to a particular stallion, in this case STS, what would you look for. My reply was proven mares who had already produced 'the goods' ! As budget is obviously no problem for the enquirer..... :whistle: