Shergar Cup

So are you now suggetsing that it's the beeb who are behind the cheerleaders, horse anthems, and the dance routines then?

What are you talking about now?! Which posts are you actually reading, Warbler? How on earth can you deduce that from what I've said?! I know full well who is behind the cheerleaders et al, and no, it's not the BBC. What I have been trying to point out to you - seemingly to no avail - is that your suggestion of Tommo chasing cheerleaders around the paddock (tongue in cheek though as I know it was) ain't gonna happen since there is a high likelihood that Tommo won't even be there.
Yes but you said he couldn't be there because he didn't work for the BBC;

"Except that Tommo doesn't work for the Beeb!!"

If it's Ascot's gig then the BBC's involvement in covering the meeting is superfluous and Ascot could easily employ 'dirty' Thommo to do the chasing (God this gets sillier).

Actually, it reminds me of a story (which I've tried to source to no avail) regarding a cricket interview between Darren Lehman (Australian) and Johnathon Agnew (establishment English, BBC). Lehman was describing some lunch time entertainment that some backward bush station in wonga wumba (or similar) had introduced called "chase the Sheila round the sheep dip". Basically it involved a tight t-shirt and pair of shorts, a young girl, and about 4 beered up fatties from the crowd. Lehman was in hysterics describing it, and it was probably one of those Brian Johnston type moments where you had to hear it. It was made all the better because Agnew didn't really comment other than to say "I think times have moved on Darren. Not sure it would work here in particular" - (Lords!!!).

Anyway, food for thought for Ascot;

chase Hayley round the ........:whistle:
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I do know what you mean - but as I've said, I'd suspect that he was probably booked up to work for Channel4 months before the cheerleader scenario at Ascot had the i's dotted and the t's crossed.
he'd be off there like a shot!!! (regardless of contractal arrangements)

'Strip Racing' - this would work, (though possibly not so well in National Hunt) then again :whistle:
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Warbler, your joke was ruined for me by the glaring inaccuracy of Thommo being present. Try harder next time!
The only racing I will be watching today with be at Arlington later on tonight if I can get it online somewhere!
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...and a spectacularly good back hander, dealt by him to the face of the horse he was supposed to be riding in the first! On pissing off with him for a circuit, it was withdrawn.
"..and a spectacularly good back hander, dealt by him to the face of the horse he was supposed to be riding in the first! On pissing off with him for a circuit, it was withdrawn."

I thought you were all for teaching them a lesson, Shads?!;)
I watched Ascot today in between races from C4.

Talk about a non-triers' convention! I thought about backing the fav in the first as I thought it should have been much shorter than the 7/2 on offer, remembered what day and meeting it was and changed my mind. There's probably more pulling here than at an all-boys' school toilet.

Race after race. After you, Claude. Desperate stuff.