Sizing Europe - Anyone "in The Know"

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Being a relative newbie on here, and after some protracted and interesting debate about the merits of Sizing Europe's AIG victory, I was intrigued when viewing the Ten To Follow submissions for this season.

Nobody included him in their selections, although Eric C made a reference to him in the thread.

A lot of bandwagon jumping seems to have ensued since then!
Quite, but Sizing Europe was notable by his absence in most lists!

I can't wait till the 11th!!!
We've got Sizing Europe in several lists in our 72 TTF entries on another forum with several members from here, and I was one of those who pressed for his entry. The TH TTF lists were made quite a bit earlier iirc - before we had any form to speak of for this year, so they were largely drawn up on last year's form.
Originally posted by useful@Jan 31 2008, 06:03 PM
A lot of bandwagon jumping seems to have ensued since then!
Not really. It's only relatively recently that he's shown himself to be a high class horse. What you call "bandwagon jumping" amounts to nothing more than accepting that the evidence shows him to be a potential champion.
Perhaps, I just think in the desire to find a champion among an average bunch, people are jumping to conclusions, and basing it around two races.

As I said in a previous thread I won quite a bit on him at Punchestown last season, but I am yet to be converted. We'll see.

I guess my real point here is at 5/2 its easy to talk him up, but there wasn't a lot of talking up of him going on anywhere when he is upwards of 10s.
Hello Colin, I guess I am stressing the fact because I don't want it to seem I am bitter to have "missed the boat" in terms of champion hurdle and am therefore willing him not to win.

Good luck to him and connections.
Sorry? Some of us have had him on our radar since he won at Naas and then at Newbury on Oct/Nov 2006. I backed him then [Nby] as I liked the form and liked him in the paddock, and HDB wouldn't have brought them over for fun. I see I backed him W&P for the CH, on 16th Dec.

It's always been the case imo that the ChH is the most open of the big races at the Festival this year, and SE has as good a chance as any of the others imo. His overall form compares well with others in the race, against whom most of us can find something to say in each case. The range of opinions on here reflects the wide open nature of the race.
Whether or not people put Sizing Europe in their Ten To Follow Lists has precisely zero bearing on his chances of winning a Champion Hurdle. While debate about the merits of the leading contenders should be encouraged, this particular line of argument, if it can even be described thus, is a blind alley.
rory, I am simply making the point that a lot of people are now staunchly defending SE against any criticism of his overall profile as a champion in waiting.

Out of curiosity I consulted TTF lists and was surprised to find his name absent.

If the same people who say he is still value at 5/2 to win the Champion Hurdle were shouting his name from the rooftops back in November when his price was considerably greater then fine. But they weren't, so I cannot help but think there is a lot of bandwagon jumping going on. That's all.
I think you are doing an awful lot of arguing (pointless and ridiculous IMO) about a horse who is 5/2 who you think should be 4/1.

Dont know how long you have been on these site, but Luke has backed the horse at big odds. Plenty others thought he was a good horse but were surprised by how much he has progressed.

Sensible people think he should be 4/1, yet its this huge bandwagon that has forced the horse into 5/2. Is that your belief?

If it is, I think you are misusing the term bandwagon.
What is the point of this thread when there's another one in full flow on this topic involving the same person

I'm beginning to think that your user name is irony
If the same people who say he is still value at 5/2 to win the Champion Hurdle were shouting his name from the rooftops back in November when his price was considerably greater then fine. But they weren't,

Am i missing something?

I think revising opinions due to hugely improved performances is acceptable...isnt it?
Dead right clive,

Sizing Europe surprised me last week. He surprised a lot of people. It is not a sin to change your opinion on a this significantly bump up your opinion of a horse.

For what it's worth, my biggest bet on the Champers will probably still be on Harchibald in the place market!
Seemingly, the sensible people should have been punting on Sizing Europe at all odds down to 4/1 since Punchestown last year.

Otherwise, you are just getting on the bandwagon.
That could be a nice bet Bobbyjo. Hard to see him completely out of frame and also hard to see him getting head in front
Clivex, yes you are missing something. Suggest you read my words if you are going to quote them. I stated that the people arguing SE is still value at 5/2 should have been shouting his name from the rooftops when his price was longer. He is not a value bet imo at 5/2, and so coming on here after his AIG arguing he is the "second coming" is aftertiming of the highest order.

Bobbyjo, I have never stated that it is not permitted for one to change their opinion of a horse based upon an apparent significant improvement in form. My whole point has been simple - his price at 5/2 is very poor value. At least at 4s + you can cover yourself with an e/w or Betfair Place angle.

I have defended my position when challenged by Gareth. I don't see him being called "irony" yet the length of the threads are as much his doing as mine?

Am I meant to just shut up when a moderator challenges my position?

I am unaware of Luke, but good luck to him.

Garney, yes my belief is that SE is poor value at 5/2. His price collapsed after his AIG triumph. Since then the media coverage of the Champion Hurdle has centred on the new found "star". In the wake of the AIG a thread was started on here whcih I contributed to with an apparently unpopular view.

For the record: The bandwagon effect, also known as social proof and closely related to opportunism, is the observation that people often do (or believe) things because many other people do (or believe) the same.

I would suggest the belief in SE as a true champion for many at present is based upon the media coverage and the price contracting with the bookmakers. That is a bandwagon effect.