So... fading actress Jerry Hall...

If it wasn't the money I assume it's because he's the only man in the world with more wrinkles than Jagger.
and in the latest news................Junior Doctors condemned for going on strike just as country is gripped by vomiting epidemic caused by Murdoch & Hall engagement.
A wealthy elderly man marries a wealthy late-middle-aged woman

Why the vomiting?

Presumably it's the thought of an 84yo shafting a 59yo. If former can still rise, let alone shoot and latter still lubricate, good for them I say

Funny old world, non-story, of no importance, of no...anything...nothing
in fairness though posters probably want to have a pop at them because she's a celebrity and his papers sell to people who are obsesssed with what celebrities are up to. Simple sun reader types etc who have nothing better to do.
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Posters want to have a pop simply due to the man being a grade A C*NT! Him and Morgan should have been jailed. And she is nothing more than an ageing groupie whose face now looks like my shaven nut sack.
in fairness though posters probably want to have a pop at them because she's a celebrity and his papers sell to people who are obsesssed with what celebrities are up to. Simple sun reader types etc who have nothing better to do.

Think I'll play the game Clive, having nothing better to do:)

A consensus of the replies so far to Dessie's intriguing starter for ten concentrates on wrinkles, not necessarily in the scrotal area, and most certainly no hair, but wrinkles nevertheless

This, I feel, could generate an interesting debate on what gentlemen and gentleladies expect of each other after duty is done and a couple of sprogs emerge after those - may be only two if both ripe - shifts

We grow older and by September in the scheme of expected things, dalliance between men and women lucky enough to have reached that fragrant month, is imagined as afternoon tea, trips to the seaside, and maybe a warm, loving hug

Fact is: we will always be teenagers in spirit, pretending we are still young and full of cum. Other than the cum we still come, and it keeps you young

Despite being enamoured of tall women, Jerry Hall never appealed when a pretty young thing and still doesn't now that she's a beautiful old thing

Murdoch is a hairy cu*nt and Hall a shaven scrotum: well, if you like...

I just see them myself as exhibitionists who done great by ridiculing the impressionable proletariot, and walking away with fistfuls - because the public wants what the public gets, apparently

Both are no doubt revelling in the 'social media' slagging - no such thing as bad publicity

Facebook/Twitter=Sun no?
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Think I'll play the game Clive, having nothing better to do:)

A consensus of the replies so far to Dessie's intriguing starter for ten concentrates on wrinkles, not necessarily in the scrotal area, and most certainly no hair, but wrinkles nevertheless

This, I feel, could generate an interesting debate on what gentlemen and gentleladies expect of each other after duty is done and a couple of sprogs emerge after those - may be only two if both ripe - shifts

We grow older and by September in the scheme of expected things, dalliance between men and women lucky enough to have reached that fragrant month, is imagined as afternoon tea, trips to the seaside, and maybe a warm, loving hug

Fact is: we will always be teenagers in spirit, pretending we are still young and full of cum. Other than the cum we still come, and it keeps you young

Despite being enamoured of tall women, Jerry Hall never appealed when a pretty young thing and still doesn't now that she's a beautiful old thing

Murdoch is a hairy cu*nt and Hall a shaven scrotum: well, if you like...

I just see them myself as exhibitionists who done great by ridiculing the impressionable proletariot, and walking away with fistfuls - because the public wants what the public gets, apparently

Both are no doubt revelling in the 'social media' slagging - no such thing as bad publicity

Facebook/Twitter=Sun no?

I couldn't care less what they look like tbh - they are just horrible human beings that deserve each other.
in fairness though posters probably want to have a pop at them because she's a celebrity and his papers sell to people who are obsesssed with what celebrities are up to. Simple sun reader types etc who have nothing better to do.

Which is presumably much worse than being humorless and busy thinking of the next put down. :confused:
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I used to like Jerry Hall; funny, feisty lady. But how she can marry someone as immoral as him is beyond me. No longer on my Christmas card list is Jerry.
agree with Digger..the man is a complete cnut of the highest order..anyone defending similar..and theres probably plenty of em

such is life

what ....defending his right to get married?

what ....defending his right to get married?


don't hide behind the married bit..the fact you posted any defence of the putrid barsteward is whats weird to most folk

i'm not surprised you like him though strangely enough:)

another bully Clive aren't you?..only post against folk you don't like..whilst ignoring any comment from those you do

get a life man..treat people's views the same..stop targetting certain for one..i'm' f**ckin sick and tired of the same people on here with the same agenda ..bullies by are one of the worst..even on an rip thread you are at it
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don't hide behind the married bit..the fact you posted any defence of the putrid barstewrad is whats weird to most folk

i'm not surprised you like him though strangely enough

What defence? about what

(thick as ****....)
Welcome back Clive :lol:

Didn't Santa Claus bring you a subbuteo and action man?
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