I suppose it's the agricultural equivalent to your Bentley, Brian - only far more useful! Full air-con, so many gears I lost count, compressed air seat, cd player, God knows what else.
And before anyone starts in on the 'I thought farmers were so poor' refrain, they don't buy them for cash! Farming economics in dairying are such that to stand still, you need more cows, with the same labour force (one plus one part-tme) to deal with them, bigger acreage to grow their food and therefore as no-one has yet invented more hours in the day, the machinery has to be powerful and sophisticated enouh to allow one man to do more per day.
I spent five hours yesterday rolling two of our biggest fields - probably about 35 acres in total - which will be cut for silage a couple of times later this season. And very neat and tidy the field look too!!