So long Togmeister...

Desert Orchid

Senior Jockey
Aug 2, 2005
Shocked and saddened to wake up to this news.

For me, the greatest radio presenter of all time and one the best TV presenters.

He kept me (nearly) sane on the 90-minute drive to work during the 10-year spell I spent working in the borders. I remember having to stop the car one morning I was laughing so hard - along with him - at one of the Janet and John tales.

I had no idea he'd been ill so this was a real shock. I thought he'd go on forever (he often did, but entertainingly!)
He dominated both radio and TV in his pomp. And was surely the most popular broadcaster of them all.

RIP Sir Terry.
So so sad - I'm obviously of the age that I lose all my favourite people, first Stewpot, Alan Rickman and now Sir Terry. That wonderful, wonderful, gentle, bonkers sense of humour - he will be missed.
I see he was described in a BBC memo as having an "unmistakable, though not agressive, Irish accent".

Certain other languages can sound harsh, but are their English-speaking accents that can be described as aggressive?
I see he was described in a BBC memo as having an "unmistakable, though not agressive, Irish accent".

Certain other languages can sound harsh, but are their English-speaking accents that can be described as aggressive?

I remember once on a visit to London nipping into a pub very close to Euston Station for a quiet pint as I had time to kill. The bloke next to me struck up a conversation which eventually ended along the lines of:

Him: So yer aint local, ayya?
Me: Naw.
Him: So were ya from?
Me: Sco'land.
Him (as the blood drained from his face): Ow... no offence, mate...?
Me: None taken.

I was secretly pishing myself that anyone could have found me likely to take offence but I'd have to admit that 40 years later I probably would and would let them know!
'Aggressive' maybe isn't the word, but Hollywood has long since used the educated English or Shakespearean accent for their villains. (That and the German one!)
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