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So What Would Be Your Ideal Relationship?

I'd like a man who can COMMIT (touchy subject of late!)

And someone who was intelligent, honest, humorous, spontaneous, kind and loyal...with a good job and bank balance (where else will I be able to get designer dresses? lol). Being into racing is not necessarily a must, but is on my list, as well as liking good food and wine. He can't smoke either. All asking a bit much I'm thinking!

I like the thought of a proper relationship of fully requited love, but not too intense and suffocating. I'm used to my independence.
Hey, the boy's learning!!!!! ;)

Up the ante?? I'm muy contento with being free to do what I want when I want and having to answer to no-one, thanks!! Very happy with being free to go riding in the sun whenever I want - working on the tan already! B)

Uh-oh - my bloody neighbours are at it again. Anyone reckon I should start banging on the wall???
....and sitting here looking at my arms I feel brown already! I'm certainly darker than I was yesterday!! B)

I've had to stick the hifi on fairly loud now too - next door clearly have a great relationship......:confused:
Originally posted by rorydelargy@Mar 28 2006, 10:53 AM
I'd prefer a girl in the country who could deal with me Monday through Wednesday morning. Getting weekends off is a nightmare. Now that Songsheet's brought it up, that doesn't seem like an unattractive option at all. I don't mind a bit of work either, if that helps. Offers by PM please :P
Hey, that MO sounds like it would suit my Ma!!!! :lol: She owns her own house in the country - stroll up her lane takes you to the Ridgeway and full view of the best grass gallops in the country, Peter Cundell's gallops. She lives in a racing village, loves her racing, got a friend who works at Raceform (freebies...;) ), has a friend who trains horses just over the hill and works from home so weekdays ain't a problem!!!! She has a lovely dog too - well, she's babysitting her indefinitely while her owner suns herself abroad.....B)
What a demanding lot!

So I've got to grow to 6'3", spend half my time cleaning toilets, have great wads of dosh available, and arrive and depart when told to.

Somebody, I forget who, summed up a man's requirements for a meaningful relationship with a woman as "bring beer, come naked".
Originally posted by Venusian@Mar 28 2006, 11:05 PM

Somebody, I forget who, summed up a man's requirements for a meaningful relationship with a woman as "bring beer, come naked".

Black hair and big tits are my only criteria.
Let's see,


Should find above cartoon at least mildly amusing and agree with it's sentiments.
Must understand that borders are not natural and are very unhealthy.
Vegetarian or better.
Must HATE shopping.
Should punch me square in the face when pissed off with me instead of relying on me to figure out that there's a problem.
Must hate a football team or at least understand that hatred is a healthy emotion when it comes to football.
Be able to do at least ten press ups (all in one go).
Not allowed to read the Sun unless it's for the page 3 bird, same with the Star.
Also, I'm allowed to get absolutely ripped at least once a week.
Originally posted by Euronymous+Mar 28 2006, 11:58 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Euronymous @ Mar 28 2006, 11:58 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Venusian@Mar 28 2006, 11:05 PM

Somebody, I forget who, summed up a man's requirements for a meaningful relationship with a woman as "bring beer, come naked".

Black hair and big tits are my only criteria. [/b][/quote]
Euro....are you sure you got that correct??? I have never seen big tits on a black hairy chest yet ..... have I missed something in life? ;) :D


Being that were on this subject on this board....
A STABLE lady may be just fine, not someone who is UNSTABLE...... :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Brave Inca@Mar 28 2006, 11:49 PM
Must understand that borders are not natural and are very unhealthy.
I keep telling the missus that. When we bought the house it was on the understanding that she tended to the plants and I cut the grass; now the grass is encroaching on the untended border and the place looks a bloody sight.

As Brave Inca says, not natural and very unhealthy.
As relationships are built on one solid foundation alone, trust, that is the type of person I'd want, a person that I know that I'd honestly trust without any hesitations.

I had *issues* over the weekend with a bloke that has unfortunately shown a great fond and a lot of interest in me since we met in January. I had been invited to the races by him, to sit in the members stand, and have a full sit down type lunch, entree, main and dessert. However my instincts told me not to go, and I ended up lying, and not going. My instincts were right, especially when I got a threatening phone call back from him calling me names that I simply cannot repeat on an internet forum, just because I didn't feel *right* about the situation.
Although lying was wrong, and I do not deny it either, I know at the end of the day if I had gone, I would have gone for the races, and he would have gone for me. And then I would have had to have chauffered a drunk home in my car.
That is the other thing, this bloke loves to drink and smoke, two things I am totally against. There is nothing worse than being called at 3am on a Thursday morning than a person that is totally off the planet because he is drunk, the other thing he did to me. Thank god I have ridded of this thing out of my life once and for all.

I think mostly I also want someone I know that I can commit too, which is another issue, having been single all my life, I am just not willing to commit or dedicate time to another person, because its always been about *me* and not *us*.

I don't care about looks, just a bloke that will understand me, be trusting, and committed and dedicated to making a relationship become a sold fixation.
Originally posted by Grand Armee@Mar 29 2006, 09:34 AM
this bloke loves to drink and smoke, two things I am totally against.
I'm guessing here, but I reckon it might be the case that he likes to drink, smoke and gamble. You're much better off without him, he'd have been trying to get you to take heroin or something by the second date and you don't need that sort of hassle in your life.
I wouldn't be surprised Simmo, though he always told me he was a non gambler. Though I must say there was something agitating about him, 30yo, still single, still renting an apartment, had no assets next to his name. I am the opposite, quiet achiever, totally committed and focussed on certain projects in life, have several assets next to my name, although living at home still, I wisely have saved enough money to get a mortgage and own my own property within the next 18 months.

The guy was extremely threatening on the mobile phone the other day.

Also has left me in a situation of where I cannot trust people.
Originally posted by Grand Armee@Mar 29 2006, 09:53 AM
Also has left me in a situation of where I cannot trust people.
My experience has taught me that this is the best way to approach life. Trust absolutely no-one, they will all turn against you at some point and then you'd have to kill them or something. Or maybe just ignore them for a bit if you feel that's going a little too far.
Never trust a word a man says is probably the safest. If he says he means something the first time he says it, sure as eggs, the meaning will have changed, in his mind, x time later.
I can see a few people with 'issues' on this thread...

Personally speaking, as an upstanding decent young gentleman (on the surface anyway :D ), I blame women for always picking the a$$holes to go out with in the first place.

You can't blame an a$$hole for behaving like an a$$hole. It's in his nature :rolleyes:
... and I've only tried the alternative to women, thanks. Hey, I may live in Brighton, but the sensible shoes are for racecourses.

Grand A, you know, I really DO think there are worse things in life than being phoned at 3 a.m. by a drunk! And it would take a helluva lot more disappointments (which I seem to have managed to collect) than someone who likes drinking and smoking (good heavens - what next, serial killings?) to have put me off men. Just remember what your riding instructor told you: you fall off, you get on again, or you lose your nerve.

Hmmm... now WAS that my riding instructor, or was that Big Billy, who sometimes used too much body oil? :brows:
My ideal relationship would be to live 7 days a week with a 50+ woman who would have to be pleasant, reasonably attractive at least, solvent and a decent cook. She could drink and/or smoke and gamble but must be willing to put up with a 60+ man who's figure varies between a balloon with clogs on and a honed athlete. She must also be happy about his lack of hair, his love of champagne and desire to lavish his woman with expensive gifts at regular intervals while holidaying abroad four or five times a year.
Now that I think about it, that's exactly what I've got. Sorry I spoke.
Originally posted by Brave Inca@Mar 29 2006, 12:49 AM
Vegetarian or better.

GA, sounds like you're setting a few pretty strict qualifications! I know hundreds of decent people who are well into their 30s and still renting - it's not really a crime! I also know of precisely one of my many friends who doesn't drink and even he can be persuaded to have a bottle of Reef from time to time! Sounds like you're narrowing your fields by quite a lot my dear - the main thing when you are young is to enjoy yourself and see what happens, trust me. Once things like commitment are brought into play from the outset of starting to see someone, chances are you're going to scare people off, I'm afraid.
Strict yes, i am a traditionalist in all ways, but when you are called an f** c** by someone, for no reason whatsoever, wouldn't you honestly lose trust in the opposite sex?
GA, you stick by your beliefs and traditions. So what if not many guys will match up to them but some day one will and will cherish you for them. You will be so made for each other nothing and nobody else will matter. I find it very refreshing reading about your views.