So who's going to RA?


At the Start
May 2, 2003
I thought long and hard about going on Thursday to watch FAREER but have decided that it's simply too expensive an exercise and it's not like they're going to let me get near him!! He should get in the race all being well but I still think it's half a furlong too far.

Anyway, that's one ambition achieved, to breed a runner at RA - next is to breed a winner!!
I've got all next week off to focus on it.

I'll certainly be on course on Tuesday and Thursday, with an outside chance of Wednesday... if the money lasts to the end of the week then longer.
I'll be there backing the winner of the Coventry.

If that goes tits up, look for me face down in a flower bed after racing on Tuesday. The usual.
Which horse is yours, Kauto?

That would be for Kauto to disclose Simon, but if you want to go fishing try the waters off Cape Hatteras I'd suggest, you might find something on the bed ;)
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Shadz - easy - Press box, or running between bookies' pitches scanning the SPs, because your laptop's gone down.

Nope, not this year and possibly never again, unless I win the Euromillions and then a private box and a horse or twelve running. Two years before 'refurbishments', lovely. Year after, ghastly. Hideous bawling oik on mobile while elderly friend of Songsheet's and I attempted a genteel cream tea: " 'Sme, right? Yeah! YEAH! GUESS WHERE I AM, EH? Yeah! Only the bleedin' Royle Enclosure, right? Yeah! Gissa some more Bolly, luv (to blinged-up bint next to him)... yeah, nuffink but the best, mate, right? Done awight too, mate - yeah, nice wedge! Awight! See ya!" I think not...
Well I hope you have a great day, Kauto. We had a runner there in 2004 (well my parents). I think I was the only person on course aged under 16, and it was a great day. Really enjoyed it.
I've not even been to Ascot at any meeting since they knocked it about. Too many people whose opinion I respect have told me that it's been spoilt.
I'm on the early shift this week, so I should be able to catch most of the races on TV.
That would be for Kauto to disclose Simon, but if you want to go fishing try the waters off Cape Hatteras I'd suggest, you might find something on the bed ;)
Is that as obscure a reference as I think it is warbs? If so, I'm amazed that I made the link. The horse I'm thinking of would have a big chance of winning according to the RPRs.

I figured someone would get it with 300 odd contributors, (that's odd approximate you understand). Yes it's obscure, but so obscure you can only know that you're correct once you've worked the reference out. And yes he'd be well fancied I'd imagine
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Will be there Tuesday and Saturday. I love the way Tuesday starts off with 3 G1s in a row. Its probably my favourite (flat) days racing in the UK all year. Im going Saturday pretty much for the Golden Jubilee and to bring a few friends racing for the first time..
well walworth...i have to disagree with your friends. I thought the old ascot with that bloody tunnel and dingy interior was pretty ropey. since theyve sorted out the viewing, its a fine course now...

But wont be going next week. Dislike the meeting for familiar reasons and its an arm and leg to get in

Wouldnt say never again....but much prefer Goodwood as a top festival
I love the way Tuesday starts off with 3 G1s in a row. Its probably my favourite (flat) days racing in the UK all year.

Definitely one of mine too, especially with the Coventry thrown in for good measure.