Soumillion loses Aga Khan retainer

Put your self top of the tree, what elitist nonsense.

I don't see this as elitist, it's a preference for a type of person. I see Soumillion as attracting the wrong types to racing in a way that others don't. I've no time for his stupid antics.
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Me neither, I find him utterly loathsome; and if Spoons and others (inc Fabre!) are right about his whipping excesses, and I'm sure they are, then I abhor him professionally as well as personally. I can't see how anyone can put Frankie in that bracket though - his ebullience is good natured enough, and he does it to entertain the crowd (who love it). Soumillon's is a crass sort of arrogance, comes over as aggressive, and imo is most unpleasant. I'd hate to see any more of him over here!