Spirit Son

Yep. I was convinced he would win last year's Champion Hurdle but for injury. A real shame as that is obviously only conjecture now.
Not 100% sure Euro but then you never can be until they face each other - with the slight exception of Sandown I can't say I've been more impressed with a horse in years and everyone who's ever been connected with the horse has said nothing but good things about him, he travels into his races so well and can quicken up.

I can see OW getting the usual campaign and really don't see them facing off until Cheltenham (assuming they both target the Champion), Simonsig is currently rated 5lbs behind him so the Handicapper obviously rates OW the better horse at the moment.

Those behind Simonsig at Sandown franked the form big time. I'm not having it that Simonsig was much below his best that day. Fingal Bay just didn't come back to his best after his knock.
Grandouet O/R 166 - Oscar Whisky O/R 165 - Simonsig O/R 160

Spintre Sacre is the Frankel of NH so I can't argue with you Bar The Bull

Simonsig likely to go for the Arkle?
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A real pity he can never fulfill his enormous potential. Hope he can be saved.

How serious is this injury? - I was given to understand he had an injury to the bone in his neck and would miss this season. I read something by Mick Fitzgerald somewhere and it didn't sound life threatening.
How serious is this injury? - I was given to understand he had an injury to the bone in his neck and would miss this season. I read something by Mick Fitzgerald somewhere and it didn't sound life threatening.

Just read this, how stupid do I feel right now? Very sad news.

After missing the Cheltenham Festival due to a tendon problem, Nicky Henderson's six-year-old was recovering at Charlie and Tracy Vigors' Hillwood Stud near Marlborough, where he was found on the floor of his box unable to get to his feet.

Tests showed Spirit Son had a rare virus that attacks the neurological system but which can remain dormant. When he was able to get to his feet, a CT scan also revealed a fracture to his fifth cervical vertebra, which was operated on.

The horse, who is owned by Michael Buckley, is now back at Hillwood Stud convalescing.

Henderson said: "It has been a traumatic time for everyone and Spirit Son has been incredibly brave.

"It has been a fantastic team effort to save the horse, from Michael [Buckley], who cares so deeply about all of his horses, to the various teams of vets and everyone here at Seven Barrows and at Hillwood.

"The prognosis for Spirit Son racing again remains very low, but he deserved a chance to have a life, whether it is on a racecourse or in another role."
Nicky Henderson as his string worked up the hill at Seven Barrows on Friday 20th January 2012: "Binocular, who's good; Oscar Whisky, who's good; Simonsig who's very good."

I think I've told you that before though....;)

Oh, and Irish Stamp is correct. :ninja:
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