
Desert Orchid

Senior Jockey
Aug 2, 2005
I've had Spotify on this laptop since I got it just over a year ago but only recently started using it. I mentioned it to the guys in my old duffers' club and some of the oldest ones (well into their 80s and 90s) say they use it all the time.

Is there a way of using out without the annoying ads?:lol: For me, they make it too much like local radio.
On a more serious note, there are modded versions that you could download but these come with all caveats about someone accessing your device which I couldn't recommend

If some of your friends took out a family account and shared it between yee, it would be a lesser amount monthly
It's free access (the penalty is the audio ads - as in commercial radio) to any music you could think of.

Last week I'd been rehearsing for my old duffers' Christmas gigs and one song in particular I just could not get out of my head, to the point it was stopping me from sleeping. I went to Youtube and put on what looked like a couple of hours of Sinatra moody stuff but it paused after about 10 minutes - no use to me. Decided to try Spotify and put on other Christmas songs - six hours' worth - and that did the trick.

(Actually, the trick - for me - is to play it so low it's almost inaudible. However my brain works, it seems to spend so much time trying to figure out what song is playing it distracts it from everything else and I fall asleep in jig time. Since I'm a very light sleeper and tend to wake up every half-hour, the process starts all over again! Anyroads, it works for me.)
Being somewhat of an old duffer myself these days, DO, I also like to fall asleep listening to music. My go-to is my Ennio Morricone playlist.

There are plenty of 'for sleep' playlists on the streaming services, and you should be able to find them easy enough. I sometime go with a plain 'white noise' option too.
Falling asleep is never a problem, it's the 2 toilet breaks which are the real bain in my life

I'm down to one since I stopped drinking midweek.

Something that also helped - I suspect - was taking three senna tablets before bed for a few nights. After about three days the bowel gets emptied 'quite effectively' and the bladder has more room to hold the necessary until morning.

(Not a long term solution, mind.)
That’s a lot of minutes, about three times more than my own usage of 42,000 per year, which already puts me, according to Spotify, in their top 8% of most intensive users.
A lot of those minutes is ambient music I use to get to sleep with. Sometimes I'll waken at 5am and it's still going.