
Commentator "He's pulling hard" "He came there full of....." "He's a hard puller this one" "looks like the cream of the crop"

I could go on... Or get my coat
You all have to take the dirty connotations out of it. Remember the old Jimmy Cagney movies, as he parts company with the tearful dame, after a night of innuendo. A light brush of his forefinger under her chin ... "I like you kid, you're full of spunk".
"Spunk's looking a bit weak, barely dribbling past the post... " "Spunk's all over the place... " "He's coming with a final late thrust, and it's Spunk, Spunk, Spunk all the waaaay!"

Oh, God. It's a commentator's dream or nightmare, no matter what the poor horse does.

Yes, there is/was NOBELIX, and a MARY HINGE. But I'm pretty sure that Norfolk-in-Chance was rumbled and was a no-go.
"And now Spunk's being washed down in the winner's enclosure... " Eeoww! Please let me get out first!

This thread could run and run...
Titanic Blow For Bookies as Spunk Gamble Heads Up Messy Day For Bookies

By Lee Motorshead

Spunk, backed into 10/1 from 11/1, thrust punters on to the winning path when just getting up in the first after a dour struggle at Sandown today. The winner's trainer reported the horse to be having a good blow after the race and said he is sure improve for the experience. More importantly, he gave this reporter the phenomenal opportunity to round up far more 'witty' references to semen than any sane person could swallow.

More to come...
"Spunk's been a bit in and out this year," reported his trainer, "so we're keeping things fairly fluid. But he's been jumping everything in sight, proving he's made of the right stuff, given good handling."