St Nicholas Abbey


At the Start
Dec 21, 2005
update 9/8/13

St Nicholas Abbey remains in good form at Fethard Equine Hospital and recently had his fibreglass cast replaced.

Surgeons Dr Tom O’Brien & Dr Ger Kelly were happy with the wound and alignment of joints which are as good as can be expected at this time.

Consulting USA surgeons Dr Richardson & Dr Slovis have both reassessed St Nicholas Abbey during the week and are happy with his progress
St Nicholas Abbey update

It’s a month today since St Nicholas Abbey underwent major surgery to repair a life threatening fracture of his right forelimb.

The veterinary interns who are with him 24/7 described him today as the “best he has been” and the veterinary surgeons are equally happy! ...

Recent radiographs look good, his temperature remains normal and his white blood cell count is good.

St Nicholas Abbey is eating well and has put on a little weight. He’s comfortable and is lying down regularly to give himself every chance.

As his recovery continues we hope we can give a similarly positive update in another month.
Bugger :(

Coolmore Stud

St Nicholas Abbey update

A major complication in St Nicholas Abbey’s recovery arose on Monday evening as he appeared a little uncomfortable.

Radiographs showed the steel weight-bearing pin in his cannon bone had broken and after consultation, the surgeons decided to take it out....

The damaged pin can be clearly seen on the radiograph.

This procedure was done Monday night, the leg has been re-cast and St Nicholas Abbey is now bearing weight on the fractured leg.

This development has come sooner than we would have ideally liked, so the next week is a very tentative period for us.

This morning St Nicholas Abbey is comfortable and is walking as well as can be expected.

His temperament and demeanour are a tremendous plus both for him and the team treating him.

Sadly reminiscent of Barbaro. I remember there was a couple on here (Shadow Leader and Songsheet, I think? I'd have to go back to be sure) who thought they went too far with him and he should have been put to sleep long before he was. I disagreed with them at the time but looking back it was hard to justify continually putting the horse through procedure after procedure when realistically the chances of a succesful long term outcome drop each time. When does that become an issue here? Hasn't it already?
Agree they went too far with barbaro, but setting the colic surgery aside this is the first setback regarding the joint surgery so I don't think they have gone too far at the moment, perhaps if things start going downhill now then yes maybe its time to call it a day,

I might be wrong but I can't see Coolmore dragging it out like Barbaro's owners did
The horse must be in so much pain, you'd like to think they will put him to rest sooner rather than later.

St Nicholas Abbey update

While still having a guarded prognosis St Nicholas Abbey has had his best week since his initial surgery!

Since the pin removal his weight bearing on the injured leg has improved gradually and he is walking as well as can be expected with a cast....

St Nicholas Abbey seems more content, lying down several times a night to rest and his appetite is excellent so he is starting to thrive.

His temperature has stabilised and blood work has normalised.

Surgeons Dr Kelly & Dr O‘Brien are more upbeat on his prognosis however there are many weeks to go before St Nicholas Abbey is out of danger.

Photo taken this morning

I must admit I had visions of him being strapped up in one of those sling things they used for Barbaro but he looks quite happy & content in the photo
Coolmore Stud

St Nicholas Abbey update

The surgeons at Fethard Equine Hospital couldn’t be happier with St Nicholas Abbey’s progress to date.

Recently fitted with a lighter and less restrictive cast, he is more mobile and is putting more confident weight on the injured leg.

St Nicholas Abbey’s appetite is good and he continues to gain weight. His blood work remains stable and his medication has been much reduced.
Penn Vet Extra

Ireland Asks: Can This Racehorse Be Saved?

Table of Contents
By Louisa Shepard
New Bolton Center's Dr. Dean Richardson Joins Team to Operate on St. Nicholas Abbey
At dawn on a Tuesday morning in July, world-renowned surgeon Dean Richardson, DVM, opened an e-mail from two equine surgeons in Ireland. Included were two radiographs of a horse’s shattered leg. The questions: “Can this horse be saved? What are the chances of survival?”
St. Nicholas Abbey, the greatest money-winning, European-trained racehorse of all time, had shattered his right fore pastern while exercising at Ballydoyle, the racing arm of legendary international Thoroughbred breeders Coolmore Stud. It was to be his final exercise before a major race at Royal Ascot.
The Chief of Large Animal Surgery at Penn Vet’s New Bolton Center, Dr. Richardson immediately examined the radiographs. “I said I thought there was at least a 50-percent chance that we could save the horse,” Dr. Richardson recalled in a recent interview. “They said that was enough for them to give it a go.”
Dr. Ger Kelly and Dr. Tom O’Brien had known Dr. Richardson – one of the world’s preeminent experts on the repair of complex equine fractures – for years. In fact, the two surgeons had learned from Dr. Richardson during lectures and laboratories at several international conferences.
Dr. Richardson packed up several large cases filled with highly specialized surgical equipment and implants from New Bolton Center, as well as some loaned by the Synthes company in nearby Paoli, and headed to the airport, boarding a private jet just before midnight on July 23. Landing at Shannon Airport in western Ireland, he hopped on a waiting helicopter and flew directly to the Fethard Equine Hospital in County Tipperary.
Drs. Kelly and O’Brien met Dr. Richardson at the hospital, and the surgeons examined the injured Thoroughbred. After discussing the surgical plan and double-checking that all instruments and implants were available, the team went straight into surgery.
“It was an extremely challenging surgery,” said Dr. Richardson, explaining that the horse had multiple fractures of the proximal and middle phalanges, which are two out of three bones below the fetlock joint. There was marked separation of fracture fragments in both the fetlock (metacarpophalangeal) and the pastern (proximal interphalangeal) joints. The fetlock was surgically dislocated in order to accurately reconstruct the joint in an effort to minimize the likelihood of severe arthritis.
“The bones weren’t just fractured, they were shattered,” Dr. Richardson said.
During the surgery, it was evident that some of the smaller bone fragments had lost their blood supply and had to be removed, leaving several gaps that required a bone graft from the horse’s pelvis to replace the damaged bone.
“We had to carefully piece back together the major fragments with multiple individual screws. After the basic reconstruction was done, we used two locking bone plates to further stabilize the fractures and bridge the pastern joint,” Dr. Richardson said, estimating the surgery took three hours. “We used a total of two bone plates and 20 screws and a large temporary pin above the fetlock to further protect the site.”
Although Dr. Richardson has been brought in for surgeries around the country and the world, St. Nicholas Abbey’s case was extraordinary. “I would put this among the most difficult fractures I have ever repaired,” he said.
And this is a special horse. The six-year-old bay stallion is one of the biggest money-winning horses in European racing history, earning the equivalent of $8 million before his devastating injury.
Fortunately, St. Nicholas Abbey had a smooth recovery from anesthesia, and the three surgeons retired to McCarthy’s pub for dinner.
The next day, the surgeons were anxious to check on St. Nicholas Abbey. “I looked at the horse the next morning,” Dr. Richardson said. “He looked really, really good.”
About 22 hours after he had arrived, Dr. Richardson boarded the same jet and headed back home to Pennsylvania.
The next day, St. Nicholas Abbey developed colic – not surprising, given the stress of hospitalization, fasting, anesthesia, and anti-inflammatory drugs – and was rushed into major abdominal surgery. Dr. Richardson, already back at New Bolton Center, was in constant contact with his colleagues in Ireland.
“It was very nerve-wracking because he had to be anesthetized and then stand back up on his broken leg again, so that was a big deal,” Dr. Richardson said. “Fortunately he was able to do that.”
Dr. Richardson flew back to Ireland 10 days later to check on St. Nicholas Abbey’s condition. “He looked great,” he said. “He lost a lot of weight because of colic surgery, but he otherwise looked bright, happy, and healthy.”
In August, the temporary pin in the injured leg broke, and had to be removed. “That was anticipated,” Dr. Richardson said.
Today, Dr. Richardson is still a part of the team caring for St. Nicholas Abbey. He reviews radiographs and videos each week, evaluating the horse’s comfort level. The leg is now out of a completely rigid cast and the fractured limb is gradually bearing more weight.
“It is very encouraging that he’s made it this far. We are gradually getting more optimistic,” Dr. Richardson said. “He’s doing really well, but he is still not completely out of the woods.”
Coolmore Stud released two videos featuring Dr. O’Brien, who describes the surgeries and the recovery. St. Nicholas Abbey is shown standing, walking, and enthusiastically eating green grass.
“It’s promising he is taking so much weight on his injured leg,” Dr. O’Brien said in the video. “We’re very optimistic the way he’s using it and how he’s walking on it, and we see him making a full recovery.”
When will the horse be considered fully recovered?
“The real definition of success for him is that he eventually becomes sound enough to be a happy, comfortable breeding stallion,” Dr. Richardson said. “With horses, you just can never say they are saved until they are actually saved.”
St Nicholas Abbey has suffered a setback over the last 24 hours having developed mild laminitic changes in the left fore. This is disappointing as he is now weight bearing and walking well on the operated (fractured) leg which has healed amazingly well to date.

Although laminitis could be a life threatening complication we are hoping the condition will stabilise. Consultations are on-going between veterinary surgeons Dr Tom O’Brien and Dr Ger Kelly of Fethard Equine Hospital and the USA based Dr Dean Richardson (Head of Surgery at New Bolton Centre Pennsylvania) and Dr Scott Morrison (Head of podiatry at Rood & Riddle Equine Hospital in Kentucky) regarding the best possible treatment plan for St Nicholas Abbey.

Obviously the next weeks are critical in his recovery but St Nicholas Abbey remains comfortable with a good appetite & incredible attitude.
Thank you for the update Aldaniti. If you are in touch / part of the Coolmore team please give them all (especially St Nicholas Abbey) my best wishes, I hope he recovers again - please keep us posted!
yeah they are just tweets from coolmoore's twitter account

fingers crossed for the great st nicholas abbey
I was only thinking of him late last night/early this morning, also thinking no news is good news.
St Nicholas Abbey update

St Nicholas Abbey is struggling to overcome the laminitis in his left front foot, this is indeed life threatening and is the single biggest complication he has faced since his initial lifesaving surgery.

The worry is that if the condition progresses and further sinking of the pedal bone takes place it may prolapse through the sole of his foot....

In spite of this St Nicholas Abbey is very comfortable, being just a little ouchy when walking in his first steps and better thereafter, his appetite and demeanour remain incredibly good.

His intensive veterinary treatment continues and includes maggot therapy for the slight discharge at the toe of the laminitic foot and a daily session on a vibrating plate.

The next few weeks are critical for St Nicholas Abbey - we are just hoping that he can turn the corner.