Steve Mellish - 4 Year Old Hurdle Ratings

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I keep hearing refereneces to Steve Mellish's juvenile hurdle ratings. He is mentioned as something of an expert on RUK.

From memory I dont recall him rating Katchit too highly last season.

Anyone know if his ratings are published anywhere and if they are actually of any merit?
Yes, sounds like he accidentally trapped his toungue in a grow bag when he was a teenager!
Mellish is by far one of the best racing journalists around along with Hislop, I respect his views and often I tend to agree with him. I think these ratings are just something he does personally and occasionly references to on RUK.
Mmm, interesting. So he doesn't publish these ratings which Hislop and Luck rave about. Bit dodgy that, how do we know they are any good? As I said earlier, I recall very little mention of them when the juvenile hurdles were run at Cheltenham last season which might suggest he hadn't hit the target.

As for Lydia Hislop's journalistic prowess, I dont read her Times copy although someone posted a piece earlier on my JJ O'Neill thread.

She seems to have annoyed a lot of the racing fraternity most notably McCoy (refuses to be interviewed by her I have heard) and Paul Nicholls (whom, I understand, calls her the Vicar of Dibley).

Personally I dont find her broadcasting for RUK adds anything to a days racing, and I wouldn't follow her tips if you paid me.

I much prefer some of the ATR boys, and my favourite is Enzo.
She upsets one or two because she's not afraid to speak both her mind and the truth. She is an excellent journalist in my opinion, and it's a shame that she is in a very small minority of journalists who don't tow the racing party line. Her articles are generally very well written and refreshing in their honesty.

There's also no specific reason why Steve Mellish should publish his personal ratings, and nothing whatsoever wrong with him referring to a horses chances based on his own ratings. Surely we all do that to some extent when we express an opinion on a horse on a public forum, but we don't need to produce an exhaustive ratings lists to have that opinion even if we keep one. I can't see why it would be 'dodgy' in any way. As for not hitting the target with Katchit or any other horse, whats the big deal? He's expressing an opinion. If he were right 100% of the time he wouldn't be shouting it from the rooftops he'd just be making a quiet fortune!
Colin, are you Steve Mellish??????????

I am honoured if you are.

But back to the point.

As a pretty poor gambler, but having a love of horse racing that goes back to the days of Pendil, Bula Killiney etc., I am an RUK customer.

Now all I am is saying is that a lot of "bigging up" goes on about the Mellish Juvenile Handicap, and usually this is courtesy of Ms Hislop and Mr Luck.

Is it unusual for me, as a fairly average viewer, to not want to delve further into this in case it is a methodology that may have a positive effect on my betting balance?
Gareth, RUK never respond to emails, I gave that up ages ago!

Unilke ATR their policy appears to put a huge barrier between subscriber (ie. loyal paying customer) and their broadcast team.

Whether you like ATR or not, at least they put their heads ont he chopping block and read out emails. And indeed, a number of them write personal responses if they cannot read out the email.

I have had emails from Chapman, Enzo, Luke Harvey, Robert Perham, Dave Duggan and Boycie!

And they will often say things that we all know could not be broadcast probably for legal reasons! But they are good guys.

I get the impression RUK tend to look down on us mere mortals!
I'm not surprised people won't reply to your emails if you call them by the wrong name!! When did Richard Perham change his name to Robert?!?!
Point taken Shadow. As CP says, they were a list of splendid gentlemen who deigned to reply. I must admit conversing with Luke was very exciting as "The Kat" was a favourite of mine and I filled my boots on him several times!
I did read the post thank you Colin - my response was generic, not specific to Perham, the point being if you can't get someone's name right why should they reply to you?! Who's to say the same hasn't happened anywhere else?

Btw Colin - I seemed to miss the occasion upon which you were made the all-seeing deity and conferred with the responsibility of passing judgement on everything that is said on this forum. Virtually everything you post is telling someone how to behave - lay off a little would you?! It's small wonder new posters are being put off by the same faces jumping on them every time they post! Take a chill pill!!!
Sorry Colin - I thought it was you who had been appointed super moderator since you've been telling various people what they should and shouldn't post, and how they should go about saying things!!
Originally posted by Colin Phillips@Jan 25 2008, 07:41 PM
Have I overlooked your appointment to moderator status? :D
Moderation is a fatal thing. Nothing succeeds like excess.
"The "Daddies" of the Forum lock horns."

useful, I have no problem with that description but I think, Shads, who is female, blonde, bouncy, 29, a size 8 and as far as I know doesn't have any children, might. :shy:
You're not wrong, m'dear.

Daily, I have to remind myself how miserable I would have been without wife says "you couldn't be any more f*cking miserable than I am now!!!!"
Colin, I worry more about my horse than the average mother worries about her 3 year old, I'm sure. I drive stupid amounts of miles and get up at ridiculous times to push myself to get to the yard and ride him before breaking my neck to try and get to work on time afterwards, wherever that mey be in the country on that day. I refuse to take a day off or go on holiday as I worry about which muppet will get on him and what accidents may befall him if I'm not there. It looks like next week I will have to go away for a few days - I will also end up driving 130 miles [in a round trip] to go and ride him from there. That's more than enough for me!!!!

Rugrats - who needs 'em?!?! :laughing: