Stewards' Decision at Perth


Senior Jockey
Jul 4, 2004
I'm amazed that Pure Faith was allowed to keep the 14.50 race at Perth.

Tom O'Brien, riding with his head down on Pure Faith, basically forced Now This Is It off the course. The interference was probably accidental but he got a 5 day ban for reckless riding. The runner up had no opportunity to win the race, but looked like he would have at least put up a fight if he had been given the chance.
I'm amazed that Pure Faith was allowed to keep the 14.50 race at Perth.

Tom O'Brien, riding with his head down on Pure Faith, basically forced Now This Is It off the course. The interference was probably accidental but he got a 5 day ban for reckless riding. The runner up had no opportunity to win the race, but looked like he would have at least put up a fight if he had been given the chance.

Haven't seen it, but can believe it. In the old days, stewards used to throw out legitimate winners for sod all; now they've gone the other way and it's damn near impossible to get an original result overturned.

No wonder some bookies offer the either winner concession.
The runner up had no opportunity to win the race, but looked like he would have at least put up a fight if he had been given the chance.

I have overstated the case. Take out the words 'at least'. I don't wish to imply he would probably have won, merely that he might have.
I'm amazed that Pure Faith was allowed to keep the 14.50 race at Perth.

Tom O'Brien, riding with his head down on Pure Faith, basically forced Now This Is It off the course. The interference was probably accidental but he got a 5 day ban for reckless riding. The runner up had no opportunity to win the race, but looked like he would have at least put up a fight if he had been given the chance.

glad he did grey,one part of a nice treble,tom was on fire today,so was denis mind
Good for you, Roddy, but did you think he deserved to keep it?

Rules need changing. Tom O'Brien is prone to such brainstorms (see the ride he gave Piroulet on New Year's day at Exeter), and there's no doubt in my mind that his riding was worse than careless. Once the stewards decided to bracket the offence as careless riding, then the current rules meant that they had to let him keep the race. Which is bonkers, but there you go. BTW, Tom claimed that the horse tried to duck out towards the water jump which is such unbelievable nonsense that he should have picked up an extra fine! I heard Tony Ennis explain that O'Brien was trying to straighten the horse as evidenced by the fact taht he had his whip in his right hand. Do people still think that you steer horses by smacking them on the appropriate arse-cheek? I don't.
Good for you, Roddy, but did you think he deserved to keep it?

Winning distance three and a quarter lengths would suggest he would have won it evidence apparently that it was improper riding according to the stewards secretary in the RP today. Not seen the race yet but will do
Make sure you do see the race, Roddy, so that you can be suitably grateful for your good fortune!

The runner up was forced more or less to a dead stop about a hundred yards from the post and had no chance after that, so the winning distance is immaterial. Pure Faith might have won anyway if it had been a fair contest but nobody could be sure of that.