New books have arrived
I've just today received "Braddock's Complete Guide To Horse Race Selection & Betting" (£00.01p on Amazon, plus £2.75p p&p);
also "Class Figures" by Stuart Eaton (£9.00)
I do like the look of the Braddock book and it's in very good condition (hard back, too.) It is a bit dated -- 3rd edition, 1983, 250pp -- but seems to be factual (big +) and at first glance well written (+).
Not quite so sure about the Class book: it's a 'Raceform' imprint (150 pp, spaced print) & the author refers to successfully using Raceform Interactive to aid his research. However (ahem!), it is about Class and so I'm happy at this point to have it in the queue. If he delves into making a system to generate Class figures, that will still be interesting, but not an avenue I'd like to pursue in itself.
Still, trying to be methodical, I have yet to finish "The Horse God Built"; after 150 pages, some 2% have been about ... Secretariat (gee, thanks) and the rest more or less romanticizing about his groom, owners, jockeys, admirers ... but it'll get fully read -- well, skimmed thoroughly, actually, to find the Secretariat stuff.