Strong Jockeys

Well, that's very harsh, especially coming from such a sweet, soft-hearted and kindly soul as yourself, Stevie. I'm fair taken aback. Thing is, I think it's important to get the right sort of jockey for the type of horse you have, and that isn't always easy - it depends on their availability. I'd like a gentler, more sensitive jockey on nervy youngsters and first-timers, one with an electric bum for the dosser, one who can command without ripping the head of a wilful beast, and so on. Getting the wrong one on board is what can lead to tears and tantrums on either side, so I think matching the right rider to the right horse is as important as getting the right going or the right trip.

It's not something I think we've discussed much, in fact. Some folks go, "Oh, Dettori - oh, well, that'll get a great ride", but the fact is that that isn't universally true. He won't push for places like some jockeys will, for a start. You might see Alan Munro's name and not think of him in terms of being on board a horse which wants to be handled firmly near the finish. If you don't know the horse's quirks, then the jockey booking probably won't hold much significance, but if you do, and you know the horse has been needing gentle cajoling and has that sort of rider on board, then you know it's going to stand a better chance of success.
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Well, that's very harsh, especially coming from such a sweet, soft-hearted and kindly soul as yourself, Stevie. I'm fair taken aback. Thing is, I think it's important to get the right sort of jockey for the type of horse you have, and that isn't always easy - it depends on their availability. I'd like a gentler, more sensitive jockey on nervy youngsters and first-timers, one with an electric bum for the dosser, one who can command without ripping the head of a wilful beast, and so on. Getting the wrong one on board is what can lead to tears and tantrums on either side, so I think matching the right rider to the right horse is as important as getting the right going or the right trip.

I know... it goes against the grain with me to be harsh.

Tony McCoy is the only real jockey riding at the moment who can win with a horse that anyone else would be beaten on. Piggott was like that (and Eddery in the Group races when he was trying). Cauthen was good at nicking races too. Carson would win if the horse was good enough, but like most of them, not otherwise.

I won't embarass those I believe to be overrated.
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Interestingly, Steve, I've just been given Pat Eddery's autobiography (autographed, as well!), and he was clearly besotted by Piggott when young and trying, and to some extent even in later life. I see your caveat about him - I wonder if he'll mention that in the book?
There are no doubts that weight ratio does not make a good rider but provides advantage. There is a show jumper (John Renwick) who is rather large (not fat) as well as others and yes they are mostly on a different type of horse, but their finesse in the saddle outweighs the ability of most of the jockey's on the circuit. Some of which are only getting the ride because of the weight they can make or allowances for such given. I have to say though for technical ability and precission I feel it has to be David McPherson in respect of show jumping. As he is South African this reminds me of the problem Lisa Jones had (or an article in concern of this) I'm sure it was along the lines of, she was too light which cut her rides considerably.
Andrea Atzeni has been riding out of his skin of late, some real determined power packed finishes.
Gamla Like Beuzelin isn't he still an apprentice? I can't say I have taken much notice of him to be honest, but now you've said that, I'll make a point of watching his progress.
I wouldn't say Aidy is very strong. He rode Taj for us as I thought he suited her but if I wanted a stronger jockey I used Adam Kirby.
I like Richard Hills he doesn't kill the horse but he seem's to have a feel for when to keep going, without naming names you could say flogging a dead horse comes to mind, some times when you can see it others won't win in a month of Sundays but still keep going,
Sorry I was being facetious with my McCarthy remarks. Were you always happy with Kirby riding to instructions?

Oh Aidy was a sweetie and rode me a winner! Adam always rode exactly as he was asked every time so no complaints. Don't know if hes changed as I haven't seen him for a while.