Suarez ban


At the Start
Jan 24, 2008
Official: Suárez banned for nine matches and four months

Fifa's statement on Suárez: "Suspended for nine matches and banned for four months from any football-related activity"

"LS is regarded as having breached article 48 paragraph 1 of the Fifa disciplinary code, and article 57. He is to be suspended for nine official matches. The first match of this suspension is to be served in the upcoming Fifa World Cup game between Uruguay and Colombia." The nine-match ban is from all internationals.

There's also a four-month ban from all football, according to article 22 of the Fifa disciplinary code. And a ban from all football stadiums while matches are in progress, according to article 21. Plus a fine of 100,000 Swiss franks.

"Such behaviour cannot be tolerated on any football pitch, and in particular not at the World Cup, where the eyes of millions of people are on the stars in the field."
Bit of a kop out though as for 6 weeks of the 4 months he wouldn't have been playing anyway.
Wonder if they will appeal to ensure he plays against Colombia?
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Was a wow moment when I read the news, I suspect he will appeal and say he will get professional help etc to stop it happening again...A few threats coming out now with a Uruguay representative indicating the federation are considering not playing against Columbia.
Suarez: It's a blow to the heart." It would now be "very hard" to return to play in England, claims report in Evening Standard.
Why would it be hard to return to play in England? He bit an Italian, an Italian player complained to the ref and to Italian TV? The Italian refused to talk to British press. My view is that he has a serious problem and whilst it incorporates the summer holidays, including the Liverpool league, cup and Uruguay's games it is potentially about a twenty game ban. That sends out the right message to me, 7 games for the first offence, 10 for the second, 20 for the third. Any more and he should be banned for two years. Liverpool need to get rid as he will be a target for the terraces who will be absolutely merciless and rightly so. What does it do to his value though? If he has his clause and I were Liverpool I'd stick to the clause but I would fine him for the wages for when he is unavailable.
I reckon the ban is very lenient. The guy, for all his talent, is an animal. He clearly has issues and needs professional help but by the time that help pays dividends he'd be past it anyway.

Do the guy a favour and ban him sine die.
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Liverpool should accept the first bid from an Italian club.

'Liverpool agree the transfer of Suarez to AC Milan in a 10 year 30 quid deal'

Would make my Summer - MR2
The Guardian ran a story yesterday that the Uruguayan federation are going to claim the image of the bite marks had been photoshopped after another picture emerged showing no teeth marks on Chiellini's shoulder - only it was the latter that was the real photoshopped version, the image on the back of the Mirror was definitely given the make up treatment with more of a wound showing and red swellling, so there secondary argument is that as there a various images non of them can be deemed trustworthy.
It is particularly harsh on Liverpool - I hope FIFA are just as strong with the Qatar vote rigging
Ban is way ott.

Why? 4 months no football doesn't really mean four months here. For his club football career it's pretty much in line with what he got the last time he bit somebody. Imo doesn't even take the serial offender part of it into account.
The ban is a joke. Are we seriously saying this is the worst thing to happen on a football field in the last few years?
The fact that some see the ban as lenient and some as harsh tends to indicate that it's about right. 18 matches would be harsh for a first offence but he got 10 for a second offence so it's fair enough for a third. Liverpool may feel hard done by but, as Colin says, it's collateral damage after they failed to cure the problem last time around. He was on his way to Barcelona anyway so it won't be them who are deprived of his services unless Barcelona leave it to the last minute to sign him.
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