
Shame that they put her to sleep at least six months too late. Poor mare having to suffer all the agony they put her through.
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They tried Shads, because apparently she was improving. Clair Bird, her former strapper went and saw her over the summer months and said she looked like she could make a recovery. No different to Barbaro. Don't agree with what they did, but at least she is now resting in peace and will be buried at Ellerslie along with a mounted statue of her.

One of the greatest mares we will ever see, just a shame she didn't see out her days in peace in NZ.
I don't agree with how connections treated Barbaro, either. Both animals should have been put out of their misery months before they died, neither of them had more than a slim chance of surviving with a decent quality of life, and that slim chance hinged on a lot of pain and suffering beforehand.

So far as I am concerned, the owners of both were misguided at best and erring on selfish at worst.
Terribly unfiar that such a champion should suffer so. Life is a bitch sometimes indeed. Really hard decision to put down something so special, but I agree she should have been let to go a few months ago. Of course we do not have all the inside info, and she does not belong to us. I just hate the suffering and this disease is so f'n hard to overcome.

She was a fabulous racehorse and it's a shame that the memory of her will be clouded by the suffering for her connections, sad to be mourning one so wonderful rather than celebrating her. :(