Supercasino Revealed

Originally posted by BrianH@Mar 29 2007, 10:06 AM
No, well not for a while at least. What has been rejected is the concept of a "supercasiono" anywhere.
:suspect: Some people have recently raised doubts about whether Brian's been taken over? Now we realise that not only has he, but it's by Tessa Jowell too.
The rumours are that Gordon isn't keen on such a gambling explosion - though whether his son of the Manse background can overcome his desire for increased tax receipts I doubt.
How many times in post-war history has a secondary 'stamp' been used to over rule primary? The Lords had already passed the bill, and it was only when the report came out that suggested that the so called 'independent commission' (might have momentarily lost focus regarding it's terms of reference - my interpretation, but seemingly corroborated by various Peers who voted against) that the issue became apparent. It's only when the so called 'new labour' sought to link the two that they carried the Commons. The Lords (despite the Tory's by and large abstaining) wanted a second look at how, this decision (incongruous though it is, and seemingly outside of the terms of reference of the 'independent committee') was made, that the vote was taken.

God, I never thought I'd ever hear myself say it, but fair play to the Lords. If anyone should recognise a nepotismic stitch up they should norty
Have you noticed how when the Lords slings out any government legislation the relevant minister is now required to refer to "the unelected house"?